Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/578

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1824, and at Winchester, 1826-62 ; built and endowed a Congregational chapel at Liskeard, 1805 ; d in Winchester

Thorne, Sheldon B. Saxifrage. An American writer of the day.

Thornthwatte, J. A. A Memler of the Church of England. An English cler- gyman.

Thornton, . Th. A pupil in

Christ's Hospital with Charles Lamb.

Thornton, Bonnell, 1724-68 Rev Bushby Birch, LL.D., etc ; Ci itic and Cen- sor General; A Deputy; Madame Roxana Termagant ; Mr. Town. An English poet and journalist, is said to hare written the papers in the (< Adventurer " signed "A."

Thornton, William, MJX W. T. An American writer.

Thorpe, diaries Champagne Char- lie. An American writer of the day.

Thorpe, Henry, 1841-. Walton. An American writer.

Thorpe, Thomas Bangs, 1815-78 Tom Owen, the Bee-hunter; Logan; Lynda Weiss. An American miscellaneous writer; b at Westfield, Mass.; Wesleyan Univ., 1842; for a time editor of the Kew York "Spirit of the Times"; clerk in the Kew York Custom House, 1869-78.

Threepland, Moncrieff, -1838. 1i : m- othy Plain. A Scottish advocate.

Taring, Rev. Edward, M A. Benja- min Place. An English clergyman and educator ; B.A., Cambridge, 1844; head master and warden of Uppmgham School, 1853-83 et seq.

Thunderer, The. For the London "Times"; so-called for its "bold and fearless attacks upon national abuses, its defence of the Right, and its defiance of all obstructions which the Wrong might plant in its way.

Thurber, Charles, A.M. His Father. An American writer ; Brown Univ., 1827; curator of the same from 1853.

Thurlow, Edward, 1st Baron Tbur- low, 1732-1800, L**d T**r**w; Rt J7 e 1 d L d ChurUow. An eminent English lawyer; b. at Little Ashfield, Suffolk; Lord Chancellor, 1778-92; d. at Brighthelmstone.

Timing, Rev. Charles Franklin, 1853-. JZleven Sophomores. An Ameri- can clergyman ; b. at New Sharon, Me. ; Harv. Univ., 1876; pastor of North Ave- nue Cong. Church, Cambridge, Mass., from 1879.

Tichbome, Thomas. A Phrenologist. An English -writer, of London.

Ttckell, Thomas, 1686-1740. A Lady in England. An English poet; b.

at Briclekirk, Cumberland ; H A at Ox- ford, 1708; Secretary to the Lord Jus- tices of Ireland, 1724-40,

Tidniarsh, James. 8. H. An Eng- lish writer,

Tierney, George, 1761-1830. Citizen T*#rn*i/. An English politician ; leader of the Whig party m the House of Com- mons; b. at Gibraltar, d. in London.

Tighe, William, Esct A Father. An Irish author, of Woodstock Mistioge, Co. Kilkenny.

TUd-enj Samuel Jones, 1814-. Cnno. An American politician; b. at New Leb- anon, NY. ; studied law; has been promi- nent in city, state, and national politics.

Tileston, Mrs. Mary Wilder (Foote). M. W. T. An American writer, of Con- cord, N H ; daughter of Caleb Joote, of Salem, Mass,

Tillet, Auguste. J. C. F. Mauri/. A French dentist.

Tilloch, Alexander, LL D., 1759- 1825. JBibltcus. A Scottish inventor and philosopher; b. at Glasgow; a journalist of London, 1789-1825, where he died.

TlUotson, Jobn. The Odd Boy. An English writer for boys,

Tilt, Miss Julia. May Hamilton. An English novelist.

Tilton, Stephen Willis. Uncle Wil- lis. An American poet and publisher, of Boston.

Tilton, Theodore, 1835-. SirMarma- duJce. An American miscellaneous writer and journalist; b. in New York City; educ. at the New Tork Eree Academy ; established and conducted the " Golden Age," 1872-74.

Tilton, Warren. Trifle. An Ameri- can miscellaneous writer.

TimDs, John, E.S.A., 1801-75. Hor- ace Welby. An English journalist, pub- lisher, and miscellaneous writer; b. at Clerkenwell, London.

Timbury, Jane. Hon. Eduard As- tell. An English novelist of the 18th century.

Timmlns, Samuel. S. T. An Eng- lish bibliographer of the day.

Tlmrod, Henry, 1829-67, Agliius. An American poet and journalist, of Columbia and of Charleston, S C. ; b at Charleston ; and d. at Columbia.

Tlnoker, Mary Agnes. M. A. T. An American C 2 ) R. C, writer; resident at Rome (?),

Tindal, Henrietta Euphemia (Har- rison). Diana Butler, An ^English nov- elist and poet; daughter of Eev, John Harrison, of Ramsey, Essex; in 1846 was married to Acton Tindal, Esq., of the