Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/66

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Citizen, A. Cyprian Rondeau Bunce. A. translation of the several charters, etc.., granted . . to the citizens of Can- terbury . . . 1T91.

Citizen of Aberdeen, A William Gordon. A letter to Mr. Francis Mel- vii . . . L. 1718.

Citizen of Albany, Ouyler Stoats. Tribute to the memory of DeWitt Clin- ton . Albany, 1828.

Citizen of America, A Jonas Clop- per r $ e e Thwackus, Herman "

Citizen of Baltimore, A. John S Tyson. Life of Elisha Tyson, the phil- anthropist . . . Bait. 1825.

Citizen of Baltimore, A. Richard n.Tuunsend. Original poems.

Citizen of Boston, A George Rich- ards. The Declaration of Inde- pendence : a poem accompanied by odes, songs, etc, adapted to the day . . B. 1793

Citizen of Boston, A. Alden Brad- ford. A particular account of the hattle of Bunker or Breed's Hill, on the 17th June, 1775. B. 1825.

Citizen of Boston, A Elias Basket D&by. Heality vs. Fiction ... B. 1850. SeeD.,E. EL"

Citizen of Boston, A r Ward. Remarks upon an oration delirered [July 4, 1845] by Charles Sunnier be- fore the authorities of the city of Bos- ton ... B. 1845.

Citizen of Burlington, A Henry <7. Caret/. Beauties of the monopoly sys- tem in Xe\v Jersey ... P. 1848

Citizen of Cambridgeport, A. Dan- id Nason. A journal of a tour from Boston to Savannah, thence to Ha- vana . . . Camb., Mass , 1849.

Citizen of Connecticut, A. Henry TrumbuU. History of the discovery of America . . . Norwich, Conn., 1810.

Really by James Steward, D.D., and pub- lished as his own by H T.

Citizen of I/ondon, A. Francis Hawling. The impertinent lovers . . . A comedy ... L. 1723.

Citizen of Maine, A. Edward Pay- son. The Maine Law in the balance . . . Portland, Me., 1855.

Citizen of Maryland, A. Rev. John Allen. An essay on the policy of appro- priations being made by the government of the United States, for purchasing, etc. the slaves thereof . . . Bait. 1826.

Citizen of Maryland, A. Virgtt Maxcy* The Maryland Resolutions, and the objections to them considered . . . Bait. 1822.

Citizen of Maryland, A. H. Man-

hn. Thoughts on labor, capital, cur- rency ... Bait 1864.

Citizen of Massachusetts, A. Her* mann Mann The Female Review . . * Dedham, Mass , 1797.

Citizen of Massachusetts, A. S al- ma Hale. History of the U S of Amer- ica ... Keene,1832

Citizeo of Massachusetts, A John Lowell, LL I). The impartial inquirer . . . B. 1811

Citizen, of Massachusetts, A. George TicLnor Ciutis The merits of Thomas W. Dorr and George Bancroft, as they are politically connected . . B. 1844.

Citizen of Massachusetts, A. Alfred E. Giles. The Mormon problem ... .B. 1882.

Also ascribed to James S. Halt.

Citizen of Massachusetts, A. James Botcdom. Opinions respecting the com- mercial intercourse between the United States of America and the Dominions of Great Britain ... B 1797.

Citizen of Massachusetts, A James Sullivan. The path to riches. An in- quiry into the origin and use of money . . . B. 1792.

Citizen of Massachusetts, A James Trecothid; Austin. Remarks on Dr. Chan- ning's " Slavery w . . . B. 1835.

Citizen of Massachusetts, A. Oliver Holden. Sacred dirges, hymns, and an- thems, commemorative of the death of General George Washington . . . B. 1800.

Citizen of New England, A, Isaac HUl. Brief sketch of the life, character, and services of Major-General Andrew Jackson . . Concord, N.H., 1828.

Citizen of New England, A. Josiah Hooke (*), The practical expositor and sententious reader . , . Gardiner, Me., 1829.

Citizen of New England, A. Rev. Cyril Pearl. Remarks on African Colo- nization and the abolition of slavery. Windsor, Vt., 1833.

Citizen of New York, A. John H. Lathrop. An address ... on the . . . Anti- Masonic excitement . . . Albany, 1830.

Citizen of New York, A, John Jay. An address to the people of the State of tfewYork... N.Y. 1787.

Citizen of New York, A, Myron Holley. An address to the people of the "United States on the subject of the Anti-Masonic excitement, or new party ... Albany, 1830.

Citizen of New York, A. Russell Jarvis. A biographical notice of Com. Jesse D. Elliott ... P. 1835.

Citizen of New York, A. Nicholas