Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/68

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Citoyen, Am^ricain, Un. William Lee. Les Etats-Unis et FAngleterre ; ou, souvenirs et reflexions d' . . . Bordeaux, 1814.

Citoyen des Etats-Cnls, Un. /. E. Bonnet. Reponse aux principales oues- tions, quipeuvent Gtre faites sur les Eltats- Unis de 1'Amerique . . . Lausanne, 1795.

Citoyen des Etats-TJnis, Un.** George Id. Gibbs. Traite' du 4 Juillet, 1831, entre la France et les Etats-Unis . . . Paris, 1835.

Citrouillard, Joseph. Joseph Jacques Commerson. Les Binettes contempo- rames . . . Pans, 1854-59.

City Waiter, The John T. Bedford, in his contributions to " Punch" (L ).

Cludadano de los Estados Unidos, Un Alexander Hill Everett. America ; d, examen general de la situacion polit- ica . . . Northampton, Mass., 1828.

Civilian. Matthew James Higgins.

Civilian, A. William W. Stephens. A review of the evidence before the sec- ond court-marshal on Lieutenant Perry, of the 46th regiment ... L. 1855.

Civilian, an Officer in the Bengal Establishment, A. Sir Charles D'Oyly, Bart. Tom Eaw, the Gnffin. a bur- lesque poem ... L. 1828.

Civis. John Coles. The Corporation Commission and the Municipal Compa- nies of London ... L. 1834.

Civis. Rev. Alexander Dunlop. Em- erson's orations to the modern Athe- nians ; or, Pantheism. Edinb. 1848.

Civis. Alexander Peterkin. A letter to the Et. Hon. E. Ersrkine . . . Edinb. 1806, 1807.

Civis. Sir Henry Russell. Letters of "Civis" on India affairs, 1842-49; re- printed from the "Times " (L.J.

Civis. Rev* Qliailes Valentine Le Grice. Letters on Church subjects in the "West of Cornwall . . . Tmro, 1844.

Civis. WiUiam WelfiU. Minutes, col- lected from the ancient records and ac- counts in the Chamber of Canterbury, of transactions in that city from JL.D. 1234, etc. Canterbury, 1801.

Civis, Sir William Scott, Lord Stow- ell Some observations ... L. 1811.

Civis. George Thomson. Statement and review of a recent decision of the Judge of Police in Edinburgh . . . Edinb. 1807.

Cladpole, Tim. Richard Lower. T. C.*s journey to Lunmm . . . and -written in pure Sussex doggerel by his uncle Tim. Brighton, 1831, '49, '50; J. C/s trip to Itferricur * . . written ... by his father Tim . . . Hailsham. 1844.

Clairville. Louis Francois Nicolaie* Les trois gamins. Paris, 1854

Clara. Mrs Clara Coles. Clara's poems. P. 1861.

Clara Miss Ca?rie Bell Sinclair. Heart whispers ; or, echoes of ^ song. Her first appearance in print was in the "Georgia Gazette" (Augusta, Ga ), Tin- der this nom de plume.

Clara, Cousin. Rev. Daniel Wise. The Lindendale stories. N.Y. 18-.

Clara Augusta. Mrs. S. Trask, of lYammgham, Mass.

Clara Belle. The letters in the "En- quirer " (Gin., ) thus signed, are writ- ten by Olive Logan 3 Mr. and Mrs. Jumus- Henri Browne, and others.

Clare, Ida. Mrs. Lelia J. (Robinson) Chute, as correspondent of the " St. Louis Post-Dispatch," " Memphis (Tenn.) Av- alanche," and other newspapers.

Clare, Mary Frances. Mary Fran- ces Cusack. Her religious name.

Clare, Miss Ada. Mrs. Jane McEl- hinney. Only a woman's heart. N.Y. 1866. See " Bohemia, Queen of."

Clarence, Charles. Barnard Rust Hall

Clarence, Fitzroy. William Make- peace Thackeray. Lore songs made easy. " What makes my heart to thrill and grow 1 " Song. Punch," March 6, 1847.

Claribel. Mrs. Caroline Barnard. Fireside thoughts, ballads ... L. 1866.

Claridge, Jonn, Shepherd. Dr. John Campbell, known as "The Shepherd of Banbury," author of a Weather guide. 1744.

Clarinda. Mrs. Agnes Craig Made- hose, the " Clarinda " of Burns, the poet, who addressed her as a lover in a series- of letters which have been often sought for publication, but in vain.

dark, The Rev. T. John Gait. The Wandering Jew ; or, the travels and ob- servations of Hareach the Prolonged. L 1820.

The initials of the concluding four sentence* in the above work make the name of the* author,, thus: G-(reatness), A(ll), L(iterally), T(o).

Clarke, Rev. C. C. Sir Richard Phil- lips. The hundred wonders of the world . . . L. 1818.

Clarke, John. Thomas Hartweli Horne,D.D. Bibliotheca legum. L. 1810.

Clarke, N. H. Belden, ESQ. N. H. Belden. O'Neal the Great. N.T. 1857.

Clarke, R. S. See "May, S."

Claudero, the Bon of Nimrod. James Wilson. Poems on sundry occa- sions . . . Edinb- 1758.