Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/82

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(Praises of T. Wright, a learned histo- lian . . Let the praises of other Chel- sea worthies be added . . .) L 1873

D., E Edward Denham, in Ins contri- butions to the " State " ( Pachmoad, Ya.)> etc.

D,, E. Edmond Douay Comme on devient un homme d'apres les idees de B Franklin. Edited . . . Pans. 1865.

D , E. EliphaUt Di/er. Remarks on Dr. Gale's letter to J. TT., Esq n p. 1709.

IX, E Eduard Dennant. The suffer- ings oi Christ, the glory of saints. By . . Ips\nch, 1790.

D , E. Rev. Sdward Danson. Tenta- inen theologicum , or, an attempt to assist the young clergyman ... in the choice of a subject for his sermon . . . Durham, 1850.

D , E. Emerson Dowson The youth's spelling, pronouncing, and explanatory theological dictionary . . L 1818. See " N. & Q /' 4th ser , si , 402, 431.

D, E. A, Mrs. E A. Davenport. Philip; or, content a story. L. 1855.

D , E. F. JS. F. Dagky. Fairy favours and other tales ... L. 1825.

D,E. H, Ellas Haslet Derby. Keality versus fiction a review ... #. 1850. See " A Citizen of Boston."

P. F. Damel Defoe. An enquiry into the occasional conformity of Dissenters ... L. 1701.

D, F. I. JLfrs. Florence /. Duncan. Ye last sweet thing in corners ... P. I860

D., G. George Dyer, in Lamb's "BUa," Oxford in the Vacation.

D , G- George Daniel. All's well that ends well . . . \vith remarks ... L., about 1828.

IX, GL George Dodd. Chambers* handy guide to the Kent and Sussex soast in six routes or districts. By . , . L. 1863.

D., Gr. . Doughty. Ckurco-cate- 3hisnx ... L. 1703.

D., G. George Daniel. Democrltus n London, with the mad pranks and comical conceits of Eobin Groodfellow. By... L. 1852.

D.,G. &Dani. England... L.1878.

!>., G-. George 2?unbar t HerodottiSj jisece et Latine . . . Edited . . . Edinb. 180&

D. O. George DarUy. The life of FirgiL Signed... L. 1825.

0-> O- George Dyer. The poetical vprks of J, Hammond and Lord Hervey, nth biograpliical sketches of the auth- ors. By... L. 1818.

D., O , and B , E George Daniel and Edwin Bentleg. Stanzas on Lord Nel- son's death and victory. By ... L. 1808

D , G. H. Rev Geojge HemyDash- uood Sigilla antiqua. Engravings from ancient seals attached to deeds and char- ters [at] Stowe-Bardolpht . . . Stoue- Bardolph, 1847-62

D , G W. George W. Drtggs. Open- ing of the Mississippi; or, two years' campaigning in the South-West * . . Madison, Wis , 1864.

D. H J?/ chard Gougli, his usual signa- ture in the " Gent. Mag." His first com- munication to that periodical was an account of the village of Aldfriston ju Sussex (Yol XXXVII, p. 443) under this signature. "Antiquities at Aldfriston in Sussex."

D. ; H Hemy Drummond A defence of the students of prophecy ... L. 1328.

D , H. Harriet Dallaway Etchings of views in the vicarage of Letherhead, Surrey, by ... L 1821

D., H Hannah Doyle. A few words on the third query ... L. I860*

D , H Henry Davies Hours in the picture gallery of Thirlestonc House, Cheltenham . . . Cheltenham, 1846

D,H Mrs. Harriet (Milki] David- son. Lines for little lips , . . Edinb. 1856.

D., H Henry Dircks The Polytech- nic College ... L. 1867.

D., H , ESQ. Hugh Dokerty. The dis- covery ; or, the mysterious separation of . . and Ann his wife By ... L. 1807.

D., H., Ripensis, Heneage Dering. Beliquse ISboracenses !er. . Eboraci, 1748.

B., H. A. Mss Henriette Duff, in "Temple Bar," "St. James's Magazine," the " Graphic," and the " Spectator/'

I) , H B Henri/ Barton Dawson. The colors of the United States first raised over the capitol of the Confederate States, April 3, 1865. Morrisania, 1866.

D., H. F. Mrs. H. F. Delf. "Safe in the arms of Jesus " ; or, memorials of L, A. Delf. By her mother... L. 1874,

B'l, I. Isaac D' Israeli, Esq. Re- marks on the biographical accounts of the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. ... in the "Gent. Mag./ 3 December, 1780, p. 1123.

D,, J. James Dunwootfy JSraivnson B? Bow, editor of the " Southern Quarterly Beview," 1843-45, founder and editor of "De Bow's Monthly Beriew" at New Orleans, 1846-57 et seg., author of "In- dustrial Resources and Statistics of the