Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/88

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Densyli L Sidney (?). A brief statement of the Unitarian doctrine . . , Rochester, Eng., 1844.

De Pembroke, Morgan. Evans. Poems. L. 1860.

De Pontaumont , 3/. E. Lechanteur. La rosiere de Bricquebec. Liege, 1861.

The above work is translated word for -word from the " Pride of the Village " by Washington Irving

Deputy Governor, The. GilpmChrst A narrative of an excursion to Ireland ... L. 1825

Derbyshire Working-Miner, A. Anthony Tissmgton. A letter to a friend on the mineral customs of Derbyshire ... L. 1768.

De Rosa, Ludovico, Luisa (Emman- uel) Saredo. Affare Zappoli, in the "Corriere Italiano," Florence, 1860.

Derrick, Francis Mrs, Frances Eliza Zhllett Notley. Olive Varcoe . , . L. 186*-.

Descendant, A> Geotge Chambers, LL.D. A tribute to the principles, vir- tues, habits, and public usefulness of the Irish and Scotch early settlers of Penn- sylvania. By ... Chambersburg, 1856

Descendant in the Fourth Genera- tion, A. Dr. Charles Henry Parry. A memoir of Peregrine Bertie ... L. 1838. The dedication is signed "C. H P."

Descendant of the Plantagenet, A. J/rs. Frances Mary English, The Tudors and the Stuarts ... L. 1868

Desennuye'e, A. 3fr$. Catherine Grace Gore. The diary of . . L. 183$.

Desire, Hazard, Octave Femttet. He made his first appearance in letters by being one of the authors of the romance " Le grand vieillard," which appeared in "Le National," Paris, 1845.

Desorxueaux, Joseph Ripault. An- toine Dmge". Discours sur rhistoire de France. Pans, 1790.

Desprez, Ernest. Ele'onore Tenaille de Vaulabelle* Jours heureux. Paris, 1836.

De Stendhal. Marie Henri Beyle. Histoire de la peinture en Italie . . . Paris, 1817

Desultory Reader, A. Alexander Graf/don. A number of his essays, very popular at the time, will "be found in the Phila. "Portfolio," under the title of "2sotes of a desultory reader." 1813-14.

Detective, A. Andrew Edmund Brae, Literary cookery, with reference to mat- ter attributed [by J. P. Collier] to Cole- ridge and Shakespeare. A letter ad- dressed to the "Athenaeum/' L. 1835.

Detective, A. William JRusselt. Strange stories of,.. ST.Y. 1864.

Detective, A J. Bennett Tom Pox , or, the revelations of ... L. 1860,

Detective, The Female, The City Detective, The Private Detective, are all f or An drew Forrester. L 1863-68

Detective Police Officer, A. Wil- liam Russell Diary of ... By " Waters." N.T 1S64.

Detective's Daughter, A Mis Eol- ei t P Porter, in her contributions to the Pross"(P.),

Detector. Hemy J. T. Drury, of King's College, Cambridge.

For an account of the hoax perpetrated by him in 1S10 upon Sir Walter Scott, under this pseu- donym, see "STotes and Queries," 1st Ser., V. 438.

Detector. Rev. Henry Gauntlett. Let- ters to a stranger in Beading ... L. 1810.

Determinatus. Samuel Adams, in the Boston Gazette," Aug. 8, 1768 , Jan, 8, 1770

De Terrier, ord Edward Henry Smith Stanley, Earl of Derby, in Trol- lope's "The Prime Minister."

Detlef, Karl Klara Bauer. Die geheimnissYolle Sangerin , and Eussische Idyllen. 1878

Detroit Free Press Man, The. C. 3 Lewis. "Quads odds": anecdote,, hu- mor, and pathos. Detroit, 187-.

Deutsch, Christian Jbhann Ifeiti rich August JEbrard, Stephan Klinger 1872.

Devon, H. T Thomas Hounsell Hodge* -who wrote for the "Brit. Amer. Mag." under this signature Author of "A tale of the Bay of Qumte," etc., in that jour- nal.

Devoniensis Bev. J". P Jones. See "Curiosus"

Devonshire Dog-Trot, A. John Oooke. Old England for ever, from . . . 1819.

Devonshire Poet, The. Owen Jones. Poetic attempts 1786 The author was an uneducated wool-comber.

Dewall, Johannes van. August Kuhne, Die beiden Russinnen. 1886.

De Worfat, William. Rev. Button Beetham. A bran new wark, containing a true calendar of his thoughts concern- ing good nebberhood . . . Kendal, 1785.

D'Hele, Thomas- Thomas Hales, an English dramatic writer, who produced in French several successful comedies, among which are "The judgment of Midas" (1778), and "The jealous lover/'

Dhu. Robert TT. McAlpine, in his contributions to the "Tribune" (ST.Y.),

Dhu, Helen. Charles Edwards Lester;