Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/96

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of Chester. Edmund JZeene. Sermon before the Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts^ 1757. L. 1757

Edwards, John H. John Edward Ha fines, with Charles Hajnes^ author of " Star of hope," *' Sabbath-schooL songs " X Y. 1ST-. Also in his contributions to periodical literature.

Efendi, Murad. Franz von Wernci. Balladen und Bilder. 1879

Effessea. Francis Swell Cole. Oce- amca, etc. Southampton, 1871.

Effingham, C, Esq. John JSsten Coole. The Virginia comedians; or, old days in the Old Dominion ... NT. 1855.

Egmont. Et. Michel Masse, in his con- tributions to " Le Courrier du Bas-Rhin,"

Egt, J , E I of John, Earl of Eg- mont. A letter from a person of distinc- tion to tke right hon. . . L 1749.

An answer to three pamphlets, of which Lord Egmont was the reputed author. The "Monthly Keview." Vol. I., 1849, p 23S,

Ego Gabriel Norbert Eilliari, in his contributions to "La Monde Illustre" {Paris).

Egyptian Kafir, An. Samuel Bailey. Letters of . on a Yisit to England in search of a religion ... L. 1839.

Egyptus. Joseph Parrish Thompson, STD.

Eight Clergymen, Rev. Hugh Stow- dl, Rev. John Gale, etc. The Churchman armed. A course of lectures ... L, 1864.

Ettni, C. WiUzJxis. Charles Wilkin& Webber. Instinct, reason, and imagina- tion, in the " Democratic Review w Vol. 16, p. 408.

JBAAXISTpS. Thotws Foster Bar- ham. Reliquiae Series; or, Christian musings . . Short pieces in verse. By . . .

Elag-nitin, J. Joseph Nightingale. Mock heroics, on snuff, tobacco, and gin, and a rhapsody on an inkstand. L. 1822.

El Atcfcfcy. Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg. His signature in the Jsf.Y "Graphic," April, 1873, and in the K.T. "World/' April, 1878.

Elberp. George Henry PreUe, ^hose first article, composed in his 14th year, appeared in the " Experiment," Portland, Me , under this nom de plume.

Eld, Oeorge ./o^ Taylor, the water-poet. Superbise flagellumj or, the \phip of pride. L. 1621.

Elder of tlie Church of Scotland, An, Hugh Barclay. A plea for Chris- tian union, by ... JEdinb. 185-.

Eldon, JDr. Abraham. Thomas

The Continental traveller's oracle . L. 1828.

Elector, An. JSenry Romilly Public responsibility and rote by ballot. L

Elector in 1771, An. Samuel Adams, in the "Boston Gazette/' May 20, 1771

Eleomora. Eleanor Butler. "Gay Eleoaora's smile, 3 ' in Anna Seward's "Llangollen Yale."

Eleven Sophomores. " Harry/ 1 by a F. Thwing,- tc The bear/ 5 by B. Peirce; "Rose Bud's story/' by *S. B. Stiles; "Jamie's mice/' by C H, Rar~ rows; " Santa Clau&'s deer/ 5 by G. S Pine; "Maggie's walk" by ^f, Hmlleij ; "Chicken's mistake/' by C. A. Dickin- son; "About the stars," by W. E. Page; "Bertie's dream," by F. A Stimson; "Bumble's first day at work," by T* C. Williams; "Bronco," by A. A Whee- ler Stories for children B. 1875.

J^lfiiL. Miss Georyiana Ve7~rall. A Cornish ghost story. A night j s adven- tures at the Devil's Stile; or, Jacky Trevose and Mary Treyean, By " E." Truro, 1862.

BLfrlda. Mrs. Elizabeth (Simpson) Tnc7i- lald, in Beloc's "Sexagenarian/* H. 394 2de<i. L. 1818

JClhegos. Mbridge Henry Goss, in his contributions to the "Boston AdTertiser/' etc , from 1870

Elia. Charles Lamb, in the celebrated "essays" contributed to the "London Magazine/' 1820-25.

"The adoption of the signature waspurely acci. dental. His first contribution AVS a description of the Old South Sea House, where Lanib had passed a few months' novitiate as a clerk thirty years before, and of its inmates, Tvho had long passed away; and, remembering the name of a gay, hgbt-hearted foreignei, who had fluttered there at that time he subscribed hie name to the essay. 11 T. N. TALFOTTRD.

Elia, Bridget. Mary Lamb, sister of Charles Lamb, 'was the author of " Mrs. JJeicester's school ... L. 1808.

Elia, James. John ILamb, brother of Charles Lamb.

Eliafeim. Count ModesU Gruau de la Harre. Les Yisions d'Esaie et la nouyelle terre . . . Rotterdam, 1854.

Elias- John Lingard^ D,D.

Perhaps his signature in the Ke-wcastle Cour. ant" for \7hicb, in 1805, fce wrote a series of let- ters > which were afterwards collected under the title of "Catholic loyalty Yindiaated " ; or, more probably, of his anonymous paomhlets in his controversy with the Biahop of JDnrham and others, 1806-13.

Elie, Le Pdre. Marie Sfasrimilifn

MareL L'esprit du sacerdoce. Paris. 1818. Eliot, George J/rs. Marian (Evans