Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/108

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of London, A. Edward Crisp, MI). The Hunterian oration (Feb. 14, 1851) that would have been delivered by . . . if permission had been granted ... L. 1861.

Member of the Committee, A, Pliilip Freeman. Thoughts on the proposed dis- solution of the Cambridge Camden So- ciety, suggested for the consideration of the members. By . . . L. 1845.

Member of the Committee, A. Charles Alan Fi/ffe, M.A. Remarks on the scheme proposed by the building committee of the Oxford Union Society. By . . . n.p., n.d.

Member of the Consociation and Association, A. Iho. .lonathan Todd. A defence of the doings of the Keverend Consociation and Association of New Haven County. . . By . . . New Haven, 1748.

Member of the Constitution Club, A. Nicholas Amhurst{'>). The Protest- ant session ... L. 1719.

Blember of the Council, A. ./ust/ih Gojfe. The result of an ecclesiastical council at Princeton, March 7, 1817 . . . By . . . Worcester, 1817.

Member of the Council of the Na- tional Union, A. ISir William Thomas Charley. Conservative legislation for the working classes. No. I. Mines and factories. By . . . L. 1872,

Blember of the Court, The. John Duariie. The substance of a speech ad- dressed to the . . . synod of Ross . . . 1810. By . . . Inverness, 1810.

Blember of the Episcopal Church, A. Samuel Seabnrij, D.D. An address to the ministers of the Presbyterian and Independent persuasions of the United States of America. By . . . 1790.

Member of the Faculty of Advo- cates, A. Archibald Alison. Remarks on the administration of criminal jus- tice in Scotland . By . . . Edinb. 1825.

Member of the First Syndicate, A. George Peacock. Remarks on the replies to the observations on the plans for the new library, etc. By . . Cauib. 18-31.

Member of the House of Commons,

A. Thomas Ijonloii. An answer to the ciiuntry parson's plea against the Quak- ers' tythe-bill. L. 173(j.

Also ascribed to Lord Hervey.

Member of the House of Commons, A. Willlini, Fullmey, Earl of Bath. The case of the revival of the salt duty . . . In a letter from ... L. Xl'.Vi.

Member of the House of Commons, A. Archibald Iliitcheson. A letter to the

author of the Calculations in the White Hall " Evening Post," relating to South Sea stock ... By . . . L. 1720.

Member of the House of Commons, A. William Benson. The plebeian. L. 1719.

Also ascribed to Sir Richard Steele.

Member of the Household of his late Majesty, Nussir-u-deen, King of Oude. William Knighton. The private life of an Eastern king. By . . . U. 1855.

Member of the Incorporated Soci- ety, A. Dacid Stephens. Thoughts . . . for the relief of the poor ... By . . . Dublin, 1746.

Member of the Inner Temple, A. James Holbert Wilson. Temple Bar the city Golgotha ... By . . . L. 1853.

Member of the Manchester Cor- poration, A. William .M( dcalf. A plea for Ireland By . . Manchester,


Member of the Massachusetts Bar, A. ./ohn Pickering. National rights and State rights : a review of the case of Alex- ander McLeod ... By . . . B. 1841.

Member of the Massachusetts Bible Society, A. Abiel Holmes, D.D. An his- torical sketch of the English translations of the Bible, by . . . B. 1815.

Member of the Massachusetts His- torical Society, A. Joseph McKean, D.D. Addition to Wood's continuation of Dr. Goldsmith's History of England ... By . . . B. 1815.

Member of the Metropolitan Board of Health, A. B.Dixon. Practical sug- gestions for removing all the sewage from the dwellings in and about London, etc. By . . . L. 1858.

Member of the New Athenian Soci- ety, A. John Dimton. The new practice of piety writ in imitation of Dr. Browne's " Religio Medici "... By . . . L. 1704.

Member of the N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., A. John Dane. ... A pedigree of the Dane family. B. 1854.

Member of the New Orleans Bar, A. James P. Boyd. Brief analysis of the Military Bill, by . . . New Orleans, 1867.

Member of the New^ Yorii Bar, A. I Abraham Oukei/ Hall. A review of the I Webster case. ' By . . N.Y. 1850.

Member of the New York Histori- cal Society, A. Henry Barton Dawson. The eastern boundary of New .Jersey : a [ review of a paper . . and a rejoinder I to the reply of . . . N.Y. 1866. i Member of the Protestant Episco- pal Association, in South Carolina. ' llev. Henry Pnrcell. Strictures on the