Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/128

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Christian's strength ; a pastor's word of exhortation . . . Maidstone, 1860.

Pastor, A. Gardiner Spring, D.D., LL.D. Fragments from the study of . . . N.Y. 1839.

Piistor, A. Rev. Henry John Betts. Gleanings from ... By . . . L. 1854.

Pastor, A. Thomas Bai/ley Fox. Hints to Sunday-school teachers ... By ... B. 1840.

Pastor, A. Rev. Pitt Clarke. A P.'s legacy to his people . . . Taunton, Mass., 1835.

Pastor, A. Plini/ Sutts Dai/. A P.'s new year's address to his parishioners. Manchester, N.H., 186-.

Pastor, A. Rev. Beednm Charles- worth. A P.'s parting words of affec- tionate counsel to Ids floclj . . . Bris- tol, 1862.

Pastor, A. John Turner Sargent. Serious questions for the new year, from ... to his flock. B. 1843.

Pastor, The. William Henry Furness. An address delivered in the First Congre- gational Unitarian Church in Philadel- phia ... 1831. By... P. 1831.

Pastor, The. Rev. Samuel Hobart ]Vinkley. A book of questions prepared for the use of students of the Scriptures, at Pitts Street Chapel [Boston]. By . . . B. 1853.

Pastor, The. Rev. Alonzo H. Quint. The Christian patriot's duty. A sermon addressed to the Mather Church and So- ciety, Jamaica Plain, Mass., April 28, 1861. By . . . B. n.d.

Pastor, The. William Newell. Hymns for the festival of the Sunday school of the first parish, Cambridge, Mass. By . . . Camb. 1860.

Pastor, The. Frederic Henry Hedge. "Live soberly ": a sermon preached to the First Church in Brookline. By . . . B. 1867.

Pastor, The. William West Phillips. Memorial of the goodness of God . . . Discourse ... in the city of New York, Jan, 11, 1846. By... N.Y. 1846.

Pastor, The. Rev. Moses Chase. A statement of facts in the trial of . . . J. Henshaw ... By . . . and church, WestBrookfield. Worcester, Mass., 1843.

Pastor at Maiden, The. Joseph Emerson. A timely seeking of God urged. B. 1737.

Pastor of the Westminster Cong. Soc. . . . Providence, The. Rev. Augus- tus Woodbury. On the use of the word " Evangelical." Providence, 1854.

Pastor's Wife, A. Mrs. Cecilia Ciiirdy. Memorial of . . . L. 1874.

Pasty, Carolina Petty. Afrs. Eliza- beth Cobbold.

Patentee, The. Oliver Abbott Shaw. A brief description of the nature and construction of the visible numerator . . . By . . . N.Y. 1831.

Paterfamilias. Martin Farquhar Tupper. P.'s diary of every-body's tour

. . L. 1869.

Pathfinder, of the Field. H. C. Dear. Pheasants and poultry : how to breed and rear them successfully. L. 1868.

Patient, The. Walter Ghanning. A fragment of medical autobiography ; or, a case reported by . . . B. 1864.

Patrick of the King's Chekar Malster. Patrick Eraser Tijtler. Life of John VVicklyff . . .^ L. 1826.

Patricola. John Poland. 1717.

Patriotic Englishman, A. W. P. Russell. Political thoughts in prose and verse ; or, a fig for invasion . . . By . . . L. 1808.

Patroon, The. Stephen Van Rensse- laer.

Paul. Rev. Arturus Granger, A.M. Ultra Universalism and its natural affini- ties. By . . . Hartford, 1839.

Paul the Aged. Paul Whitehead. 1760.

Paul, Uncle. Edivard Abbott.

Paul, Uncle. Paul F. De Gournay.

Pawkie, James, Esq. John Gait. The Provost ; or, memoirs of his own times : compiled from the papers of . . . By . . . L. 1821.

Peak, Gavilan. Henry Pope. Strug- gle for existence. N.Y. 1872.

Pederson, Are. Arvid August Afze- tius. En ny sorgesAng iifver Hogstsalig Konung Carl XIV. Johans dod. Sthlm. 1844.

Pedestrian Tourist, A. George Hume Weatherhead, M.D. The philosophical rambles ; or, the observations of . . . through France and Italy. L. 1834.

Pedling Tibbald. Lewis Theobald, in Pope's "IJunciad."

Peeper, Simon, Esq. Rev. J. Harris. The inspector. By . . . No. 1, July, 1807. L. 1807.

Pelican, A. James Watson Gerard. 1879.

Pen and Pencil, A. F. P. Palmer and Alfred Henry Forrester. Wander- ings of . . . L. 1846.

Penetrating Argilius, The. John Campbell, 2d Uuke of Argyle.

Penfeather, Amabel. James Fenimore Cooper. Elinor Wyllys. By . . . Edited by J. F. C. P. 1846.