Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/139

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Rambler among the Tombs, A.

Samuel Shepherd. Under this signature he addressed a letter to " The Times," on " The Tomb of Chaucer," August 25, 1845.

Rambler at Home, A. Robert Mont- (jomeri/ Bird{f). A tale of a snag. From the note-hooli of . . " Amer. Montlily Mag.," August, 1837, p. 121.

Raadolph, Ramus. Edward N. Den- nijs. rhe alpha ; or, the first principles of the liuman mind ... L. 1861.

'* The author originally intended to publish this work under the pseudonym of the fictitious narrator, • Ramus Randoli)h.' It is dedicated to the ' daughter of Dionysiua * [i.e. himself], so that he personifies himself twice in this book."

Raphael. Mrs. E. Edson (Gibson Du Sols') Evans.

Rasselas, Prince. Mr. W/tite, in con- tributions to the New York " Times."

Rattlebrain. William Eassie.

Ray, Captain. Edward Smith.

Rbg. Prof. Sigurd Ribbing. Grund- linier till Philosophicus historia. XJpsala, 1872.

Rd, A. Artton Ridderstad. Vid in- vigningen af grafmonumentel 3,fver L. C. Wiede. 1884.

Rdd. Carl Fredrih Ridderstad. A Swedish author and journalist.

Real Author of that Performance, The. John Witherspoon. A serious apology for the " Ecclesiastical Charac- teristics." By . . . Edinb. 1763.

Real Friend of Methodists, A. Ed- ward Sharman. The Christian world un- masked . . . Watertown, 1819.

Reason, Mr. James Donaldson. 1706.

Recent Missionary of the A. H. M. S. in Wisconsin, A. Rev. .Job Cushman. A letter to the Edwards Church, North- ampton [Mass.]. Madison(?), 1856.

Recluse, A. William Benton Clulow. Essays of . . . L. 1865.

Rector, The. Rev. John Cotton Smith. Annual address to the parishioners of the Church of the Ascension. By . . . N.Y 1861.

Rsotor, The. Eev. Edward B. Boggs. The Church and the Rebellion. Mr. Jay's letter to . . . and vestry of St. Mat- thew's Church, Bedford . . . N.Y. 1863,

Rector, The. Rev. Isaac H. Tuttle. The Church's ministrative care : a sermon ... in behalf of . . . St. Luke's Home for Destitute Christian Females. By . . . N.Y. 1851.

Rector, The. Arthur Cleveland Coxe. A city not forsaken ; or, the Church vindicated. A sermon . . . Hartford . . . 1849. By . . . Hartford, 1849.

Rector, The. Harry Croswell. A

guide to the holy sacraments ... By . . . New Haven, 1857.

Rector, The. Oregorij Thurston Bedell. Notitiseparochiales. Parish statistics . . . Prepared by . . . N.Y. 1860.

Rector, The. Rev. William W. Lord, D.D. Our citizenship in the Church. Some remarks made by ... of Christ Church, Vicksburg . . . Vicksburg, 1857.

Rector, The. Rev. Eugene Augustus Hoffman. Parish statistics of Christ Church, Elizabeth, N.J., and . . . address of . . . N.Y. 1858.

Rector, The. Rev. Samuel Lewis Southard. A pastoral, from ... to the parishioners of Calvary Church, New York. N.Y. 1848.

Rector, The. Rev. James Craik. A pastoral letter from ... to the congrega- tion of Christ Church, Louisville . . . Ky. Louisville, 1854.

Rector, The. Rev. Henry Gregory. The E.'s second new year's offering . . . Syracuse, N.Y., 1850.

Rector, The. Rev. Theodore William Snow. The sea as an emblem. A ser- mon preached at Saint Thomas' Church. Taunton, Mass. . . . 1834. By . . . B. 1854.

Rector, The. Rev. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Jr. The sermon ... on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Jasper Adams, D.D. Charleston, 1842.

Rector, The. Dudley Atkins Tyng. A statement to the congregation of the Church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia, of facts bearing on the action of the vestry in requesting the resignation of ... P. 1856.

Rector, The. Rev. Gilbert H. Sayres. Thoughts for the new year. The K.'s offering . . . Jamaica, 1850.

Rector of Christ Church, Water- tOTvn, Conn. Rev. Horace H. Reid. New year's offering of . . . 1853. Water- town, 1853.

Rector of Fryerning, The. Robert Doyly. A letter to . . . upon his refusing to pay his rates, etc. L. 1732.

Rector of St. Mary's Church, New York, The. Charles Coffin Adams, S.T.D. Creation: a recent work of God. By . . . N.Y. 1870.

Rector of St. Philip's Church, The. Christopher Edwards Gadsden. A dis- course on ... the death of . . . Nathaniel Bowen, D.D. ... By . . . Charleston, 1840.

Rector of the Church of the Ad- vent, The. Rev. Samuel A. Clark. A pastoral report of . . . P. 1855.

Redgirdle. R. Eldridge. 1859.