Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/158

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V. Mrs. Caroline ( Wigley) Clive. (1) I watched the heavens : a poem, by . . . L. 1842. — (2) The Morlas : a poem, by ... L. 1863. — (3) Paul Ferroll : a tale, by . . . L. 1855.— (4) The Queen's ball : a poem, by . . . L. 1847. — (5) The val- ley of the Rea. By . . . L. 1851. — (6) Year after year : a tale, by . . . L. 1858.

V. C, J. M. J. M. Van Cott. The new constitution . . . The judiciary. "Amer. Whig Eev.," November, 1846, p. 520.

v., E. Edward Valpij. 'H Kaiyii Aia- eiiKti. Novum Testamentum : cum scho- liis, etc. L. 1816.

v., J. Jones Very, in the " Christ. Exam."

v., J. /. Veitch. Letter I. to Lord Viscount Althorp, on the ruinous conse- quence of an oligarchical system of gov- ernment. L. 1831.

v., li. L. A. L. L. A. Very. Poetry, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.), March, 1856.

v., R. Richard Valpy. (1) Delectus sententiarum et historiarum . . . Read- ing, 1800. — (2) Poetical chronology of ancient and English history . . . Read- ing, 1795.

v., W. Washington Very, in the "Christ. Exam."

V n, Adm. Admiral Edward

Vernon. Adm. V.'s opinion upon the present state of the British navy, &c. L. 1744.

Vagabond, The. Julian Thomas. Can- nibals and convicts. L. 1886.

Vale et Fruere. John Baynes. An archasological epistle to Jeremiah Milles. L. 1782.

Valerius. William Ooomhe. V.'s ad- dress to the people of England [on the threatened invasion], L. 1803.

Valtour, G. M. Louis Gustave Vape- reaa and Maurice Tourneux, in their con- tributions to " L'lUustration " (Paris).

The letters " G " and " M " are the initialB of their respective names. The pseudonym is formed by taking the first syllable of each of their sur- names, separated by the letter " 1."

Vandyck, Kicter Woden. Andrew Coventry Dick. Nuggets from the oldest diggings ; or, researches in the Mosaic creation. Edinb. 1859.

Van Sampson, Isaac. Thomas Chap- man, D.I).(f). David's prophecy relating to C[am]b[rid]ge ... By . . .

Van Wert, Rupert. Daniel Clarke

Eddy. Rip Van Winkle's travels in. Asia and Africa. N.Y. 1882.

Vane, Henry. Rev. Henry Jackson Van Dyke, Jr.

Varick. M. Palmer. On the horse.

Varley, John Philip. Langdon Ehvyn Mitchell. Sylvian : a tragedy ; and poems. N.Y. 1885.

Vasili, Paul, comte. Mme. Edmond Adam. La societe' de Londres. Paris, 1885.

Vedette. Rev. Thomas Boys. His- signature in " Notes and Queries."

Vega, Senor Juan de. Charles Coch- rane. Journal of a tour made by . . . the Spanish minister of 1828-9, through Great Britain and Ireland; a character assumed by an English gentleman [i.e. the author himself]. L. 1830.

Velasquez, Mme. Iioreta Juanetta. Lieut. Harrij T. Buford. Autobiography of . . . Hartford, 18—.

Vely,Eniina. Emma {Couvely") Simon. Am strand des Adria: novellen. Stuttg.. 1873.

Verax. Thomas Warton.

" He was compelled, in self-defence, to vindi- cate his 'History of English Poetry' from the scurrilous observations of llitson; which he did, very ably, under the signature of ' Verax,' in 'Gent. Mag.,' Vol. LII., p. 627."

Veritas. Abraham Hayward. Letter signed . . in the "Times," 19th May, 1880.

Vernon, Ada. Susan E. Dickinson.

Versemaker, A. Rev. George TugwelL A book of verses by . . . L. 1858.

Verus. Robert Brown, in the " Edin- burgh Courant."

Verus. Rev. John Brekell. The signa- ture to his papers in the " Theological Repository," 1769 and 1771.

Very Moderate Person and Duti- ful Subject of the Queen, A. Mrs. Mary Astell. A fair way with dissenters and their patrons . . . by . . . L. 1704.

Very Young Liady, A. Anne Susanna Nichols. Journal of . . .'s tour from Canon- bury to Aldborough, &c. . . . 1804 ... L. 1804.

Veteran, A. Maj. Thomas Bunbury. Reminiscences of . . . L. 1861.

Veteran, A. John Adams. The testi- mony of ... to the value of the labours of Sunday-school missionaries. P. 18 — .

Vevay, Paul. William Marshall Fitz Round.

Vey, Elinor. Ella S. Sargent.