Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/165

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Whetstone, Col. Pete, of the Dev- il's Peak, of IJittle Red. Albert Pike.

Whirler, The. John Newbery, in " The Idler," No. 19. 1758.

Whistle, BUly. Dr. William Whewell. As they used to call him at Oxford, be- ll cause it was so much easier to whistle his name than to pronounce it.

Whistling Coniinercial, The. S. Walker. The road-leaves from the sketch- book of a commercial traveller. By . . . Otley, 1872.

White, C. H. Heman W. Chaplin. The village convict. N.Y. 1884-85.

White, Hubert. ./. Storer Cobb.

White, Thomas, Jr. Thomas Stewart Omond. Poems by . . . Oxf. 1876.

White Knight, The. ^[aurice Fitz- gibbon. — See the " Times," Feb. 28, 1881.

White Republican, The. Hiram Fuller. The times ; or, flag of truce . . . By . . . Kichmond, 1863.

Whitestock, Frank. William Henry Brookjield, in Thackeray's " Curate's Walk."

Wicliflfe. BobertNares. Blanco White and Antonio Gavin. " Gent. Mag.," Feb- ruary, 1827, p. 126. The same continued [but I am unable to find the date].

Widdern, Marie. Marie Brandrup. Prinzessin Schnee : roman. N.Y. 1882.

Wide Awake. George W. Moore.

Wife of an Officer, The. Mrs. F. C. Patrick. More ghosts ! By . . . L. 1798.

Wight skilled in Mathematics. Dio- nysius Williams.

Wilde, Professor. Albert Henry El- worthy. The orator . . . By ... L. 1878.

Wilder. George Wilder Fox.

Wildfire, WiU. Sir William Wind- ham. — See " Hermodactyl," etc.

Wildgoose, Mr. Geoflfry. Rev. Sir Harry Trelawney.

Sir H. Trelawney is stated, in Tyerman's "Life of Wesley," to have been the hero of Graves' " The Spiritual Quixote."

Wlldman, Willie. Dexter Whiting. Poems, scriptural illustrations, and ver- sifications. By . . . Charlton, Mass., 1853.

Wilhelmi, Alexander Viktor. Alex- ander Viktor Zechmeister. One of you must marry : a comic drama. In Lacy.

WUlfried, H. Hermine Villinger. Die livergnas : roman. N.Y. 1882.

Williams, Montague. Was-

borough. — See " The King," in " I. and P."

Williams, Zachariah. Samuel John- son, LL.D. An account of an attempt

to ascertain the longitude at sea . . . By... L. 1755.

Appe.irs under " Z. WilUaras " in the Advo- cates Catalogue, but really written by Johnson.

WUliamsou, Mrs. Florence. Mev. William Kirkus, LL.B. Frederick Riv- ers, independent parson. L. 1864.

Wllloughby, Lady. Mm. Hannah Mary Bathbone. So much of the diary of Lady Willoughby as relates to her domestic history ... L. 1845.

Willy, IJeon. Leon Willy Widmann.

Willy o' the HoUins. William Gibson. So called for many years.

Wilmhurst,Zavarre. William Bennet.

Wilson, Henry. Jeremiah .Tones Col- bath.

Wiltshire Clothier, F.A.S., A. Henry Wansey. Wool encouraged without ex- portation; or, practical observations on wool and the woollen manufacture . . . By . . . L. 1791.

Windsor. Edward Abbott.

Winifred, Weeping. Daniel Defoe, in " Mist's Journal " (L.), Feb. 15, 1718.

Winter, John Strange. Mrs. Henri- etta Eliza Vaughan Stannard. (1) Houp- La: a novelette. N.Y. 1885. — (2) Mig- non's secret; [also] Wanted — a wife. N.Y. 1887. — (3) Pluck. N.Y. 1886.

Winter, June. Emily Frances Wheeler.

Winter, Reinhold. 0. R. Ericsson. Brytningstid. 1885.

Wintley, Hartley. F. 0. Gifford.

Wird, Slxten. P. Sigfried Wieselgren. Fantasi och verklighet. 1865.

Wirt. William Francis Williams, in New York " Evening Post."

Witcracker, William. White.

Wittendorf, C. Hermine Camille Proschko. Der hofkanzler; historische erzahlung. In " Vierteljahrl. Mag."

Wlttol, H. C. Harriet Wilson.

Wizard of the North. Sir Walter Scott.

Wladlmir. Adolf Hofmeister. Der liebe wonn' und weh'; sagen, novellen und skizzen. Altenburg, 1840.

Wollmar, Charlotte. Charlotte v. Witzleben. Agnes Felser ; erziihrlung in briefen. BUwangen, 1828.

Wolseianus. Robert Nares. Im- provements at Cambridge Universities. " Gent. Mag.," October, 1827, p. 316.

Woman, A. Mrs. Fenwick. Se- crecy ; or, the ruin of the rock. By . . . L. 1765.

Woman of Fashion, A. Miss

Picjot. Private correspondence of . . . L. 1832.

Wood, Ash. James M. Etches.