Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/177

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Barling, Kev. John, 1804-83. An Old Student. An English dissenter ; b. at Weymouth ; was for a time (1856-58) a colleague of Russell Lant Carpenter, at Northgate End Chapel; resided in studious leisure at Belle Grange, Win- dermere, for many years from 1858 ; and then at Leeds, where he died.

Barlow, Henry Clark. A Repre- sentative; Enrico Clark Barlow.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 344.

Barmby, Mrs. Katharine (Rey- nolds). Kate. An English writer ; wife of John Goodwyn Barmby (1820-81), who was minister of Wakefield more than 21 years.

Barnard, Daniel Dewey, 1797-1861. D. D. B. An American lawyer ; b. in Sheffield, Mass.; educ. at Williams Coll. and studied law ; in 1821 was admitted to the bar, and began to practise at Rochester, N.Y. ; after travelling for some time abroad, he removed to Albany, and afterwards resided and d. there.

Barnard, Frederick Augustus Por- ter, D.D., LL.D. F. A. P. B.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 344.

Barnard, Sir John, 1685-1764. Sir J. B — d; An Anti-Patriot ; A Late Lord Mayor of London. An English merchant and politician ; b. of Quaker parents at Reading ; lord mayor of London, 1737 ; M.P., 1722-61 ; d. at Clapham.

Barnes, Miss E. W. E. W. B. An American religious writer of the day, of Philadelphia(?).

Barnes, EdTvin C. Leon Claire. An American writer of the day, of Syracuse, N.Y.(?).

Barnes, Henry. A Gentleman of the Middle Temple. An English barrister of the eighteenth century ; at one time one of the secondaries of the Court of Com- mon Pleas.

Barnes, Joshua, 1654-1712. Phil- argtjrius Cantabrigiensis. An Englisii Greek scholar and antiquary, the son of a London tradesman; educ. at Cambridge; professor of Greek there, 1695-1712 ; d. at Heraingford(?).

Barnes, Kate D. W. Kate Cameron.

Barnes, Ijucy E. Leader Scott. An English writer of the day ; daughter of William .Barnes, poet and philologist.

Barnes, Rev. Richard William. The Late Perpetual Curate of East and West Looe.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 344.

Barnes, Thomas, 1786-1841. Criti- cus; Thomas Bounce, Driver of a Turnabout.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 344.

Barnett, Francis. Lefevre. An

English gentleman; the "Lefevre" of " No Fiction," a novel by Dr. A. Reed.

Barnett, John, the Younger. His Son. An English writer, son of John Barnett, of Blaby.

Barr, Ijillle E. One who knows all about them. An American writer of the day.

Barratt, Joseph, M.D., -1882. A Citi::en of Middletown, Conn. An Amer- ican physician ; honorary M.D. at Yale Coll. in 1834.

Barr6, Isaac, 1726-1802. Corregio ; Poplicola. An Irish officer; b. at Dublin; educ. at Trin. Coll. ; joined the army in 1746, and was by Wolfe's side when this brave leader fell at Quebec ; M.P., 17(31-90 ; d. in Stanhope Street, May Fair, London(?).

Barrett, Eaton Stannard, 1786- 1820. E. S. B. ; A Late Resident.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 344.

Barrett, John, D.D., 175-3-1821. Phil. Hib. An Irish scholar ; educ. at Trin. Coll., Dublin ; vice-provost, 1807- 21.

Barrett, Jonathan. J. B.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 344.

Barrett, Samuel, D.D., 1795-1866. B. ; B — (. An American clergyman; b. at Royalston, Mass. ; Harv. Univ., 1818; pastor in Boston, 1825-58; soon after- wards removed to Roxbury, and d. there.

Barrington, John Shute, 1st Vis- count. A Layman; The Lai/nian.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 344.

Barro^v, Mrs. Prances Elizabeth (Mease), 1822-. Aunt Fanny. An American author ; b. in Charleston, S.C. ; educ. in New York City, and has passed most of her life there ; in 1841 she mar- ried James Barrow, Jr., of that city, and since 1855 has been much engaged in literary work.

Barrow, John, D.D., and others. Five Clergymen. An English clergyman; principal of St. Edmund Hall, t)xford, and rector of Gatcombe, Newport, Isle of Wight, 1854-60 et seq.; at one time tutor and librarian of Queen's Coll., Ox- ford.

Barrows, Mrs. Katherine Isabel (Hayes Chapln) , 184-5-. B. C. B. ; iMrs. Shayback. An American writer; b. at Irasburg, Vermont ; wife of the follow- ing.

Barrows, Rev. Samuel, J. 1845-. il/r. Shayback. An American clergyman ; b. in New York City; editor of the "Christian Register" (B.).

Barry, . B . An English

poet of Bath.