Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/194

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Burgess, James, J. B. An English biographer, early in the eighteenth cen- tury.

Burgess, Thomas. The President.

See " 1. and P.," First Series, p. 372.

Burgh, James. The Editor; J. B. ; J. B; Gent.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 372.

Burgh, WiUiam, 1741-1808. A Lay- man. An Irish controversialist ; son of Thomas Burgh, M.P., of Bert, County Kildare ; he lived for the cliief part of his life in England ; member of the Irish Parliament for the borough of Athy, county Kildare, 1769-76 ; after having lived at York nearly forty years, he d. there.

Burgoyne, Lieut Gen. John, A General Officer.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 372.

Burke, jEdanus. Cassius.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 372.

Burke, CM. C. M. B. An Ameri- can Catliolic writer of the day.

Burke, Edmund, E B ;

E — d B — e ; An Enrjlish Freeholder ; The Dinner Bell ; A Distinguished English Commoner.

See " I, and P.," First Series, p. 372.

Burleigh, William Henry. Fuzzy Guzzij ; Ligonier.

See " 1. and P.," First Series, p. 372.

Burman, . Conny. An

English writer of the day.

Burn, David. Tarro Anstralasiaticus. An English colonial writer of Sydney, New South Wales.

Burnap, George Washington, 1802- 59. B. ; B — p. An American clergy- man ; b. in Merrimack, N.H. ; Harv. Univ., 1824; pastor at Baltimore, Md., 1828-59 ; d. in Philadelphia, Penn.

Burnet, Gilbert, 1),D., 1643-1715. Balak ; 8a. Oxon. An eminent Scottish divine ; b. in Edinburgh ; educ. at Aber- deen ; bishop of Salisbury, 1689-1715 ; d. in London.

Burnet, Sir Thomas, 1694-1753. T. B.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 373.

Burnett, Athole. Ttenrub Elohta. An English writer of the day.

Burrage, Henry Sweetser, and others. A Committee of the Regiment. American soldiers, members of the 36th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, in the late civil war.

Burrltt, Elihu, 1810-79. Krick.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 374.

Burrow, Sir James, 1701-82. /. B., F.R.S. and F.S.A. An English lawyer; son of Thomas Barrow, of Clapham, Sur-

rey ; in 1725 called to the Bar at the Inner Temple; elected bencher, 1764; became reader in 1764, and treasurer, 1765; in 1773 was knighted ; was the owner of Starborough Castle in the parish of Ling- fleld, Surrey, and d. there.

Burt, John P. Prof. J. Q. iSmith. An American writer of the day, of Dubuque.

Burt, Thomas Seymour. T. S. B.

See " I. anil P.," First Series, p. 374.

Burt, William, 1778-1826. Amicus Patriie. An English writer; b. in Ply- mouth; educ. at Exeter and at Bridge- water ; for some time resided at Colyton, near Honiton ; but finally settled at Plymouth as a solicitor, and d. there.

Burton, . B. An English

writer; storekeeper of the Victualling Office.

Burton, Hazen J. //. J. B. An American poet.

Burton, Jlrs. Isabel, ne'e Countess Arundell, of Wardour. A. E. I.; P

Burton, John. ^4 Commissioner. An English writer ; fellow of Eton Coll.

Burton, John, M.D., 1697-1771. Dr. Stop. An English antiquary; b. at Ri- pon ; educ. at Oxford, but also studied at Leyden and Cambridge ; practised his profession in the city and county of York.

Burton, Philip, 1746-1806. An Eng- lishmini. An English writer; clerk of the survey in the dockyard at Chatham.

Burton, Robert (or Nicholas Crouch(O), 1632(?)-1725C!) A'. B. An English miscellaneous writer ; son of a tailor at Lewes ; was a publisher, and compiled a number of small books, which, issued at a shilling each, had great popularity.

Burton, Warren, 1800-66. W. B. An American author; b. in Wilton, N.H.; Harv. Univ,, 1821; Divinity School, 1826; after preaching some years he devoted himself to objects of reform ; d, in Salem, Mass,

Bury, Lady Charlotte Susan Maria (Campbell), 1775-1861. A Lady.

See " I, and P.," First Series, p, 375.

Bush, Charles. Sir Michael Angela Raphael Smith. An American artist of the day.

Bush, George, D.D., 1796-1859. Cam- paginator. An American theologian; b. in Norwich, Vt.; Dartmouth Coll., 1818; professor of Hebrew and Oriental litera- ture in the Univ. of New York, from 1831 ; in 1847 he became a Swedenborgian and a New Church minister; d. in Rochester, N.Y.