Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/204

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after the landing of ■William of Orange ; first appeared on the stage, at the Thea- tre Royal, in 1691 ; in 1696-96 his first play, " Love's last Shift," was produced, and was successful; after this he had great success both as an actor and as a dramatist ; he died, some say, in Berkeley Square ; and others, in a house next the Castle Tavern, Islington.

Claiborne, Andrew. Celticus. A Scottisli writer.

Clair, Charles. Antonin Lirac. A French writer of the day.

Claphain, John Peele. J. P. C. English compiler.

Clapp, Rev. Dexter, 1816-68. C. American clergyman ; b. at Westhamp- ton. Mass. ; Amherst Coll., 1839; pastor at Salem, Mass., 1851-64; resided there without charge, 1864-68, and d. there.

Cliipp, Mrs. S. F. S. F. C. _ An American writer, wife of the preceding.

Clark, His Father. An Amer- ican writer of New York City(?), father of John Payson Williston Clark.

Clark, Bracy. B. O. ; An English Sii-oeiiiff Sin ith.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 386.

Clark, David. A Protestant Layman. An Irish writer.

Clark, E. A Resident Assistant. An Ens'lish civil engineer.

Clark, Rev. Eli Benedict, A.M., and others, 1808-. A Commiltee of Pastors. An American Congregational minister ; b. at Waterbury, Conn. ; Yale Coll., 1836 ; Yale Divinity School, 1839 ; pastor 1st Church, Chicopee, Mass., 1839-.

Clark, Mrs. Elizabeth J. H. His Wife. An English woman, wife of Rev. Samuel Clark, rector of Eaton-Bishop.

Clark, Mrs. H. K. W. A. C. Travel- ler. An American writer of the day, of San Francisco.

Clark, Hamlet. Philocosmos. An Eng- lish entomologist of the British Museum.

Clark, Henry. A Journei/man Printer. An English compositor who visited the United States between 1857-61 ; is on the staff of the Religious Tract Society.

Clark, Rev. James. One of the Min- of the Gospel in Glasgow; A Presby- ter of the Church of Scotland; A Minister of the Gospel.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 386.

Clark, John. ./. G. An English writer.

Clark, Joseph Sylvester, D.D., 1800- (il. A Grandfather. An American Con- gregational clergyman ; b. in South Ply- mouth, Mass. ; Amherst Coll., 1827 ; An- clover Theol. Sem., 1831 ; secretary of

the Massachusetts Home Missionary So- ciety, 1839-57 ; of the Congregational Library Association, 1853-61 ; d. at West Newton, Mass.

Clark, Rev. Nelson, 1813-80. Their Late Pastor. An American clergyman ; b. at Brookfield, Vt. ; Dartmouth Coll., 1838; Andover Theol. Sem., 1842; tutor in the Western Reserve Coll., 1838-39; preached at the West from 1876, and d. at National, Iowa.

Clark, Rev. Samuel Adams, 1822-75. The Hector of the Church of the Advent. An American clergyman ; Newburyport, Mass. ; studied theology at Andover, Mass., Alexandria, Va., and Litchfield, Conn.; rector of the Church of the Advent, Phila., 1848-56; of St. John's Church, Elizabeth, N.Y., 1856-75, and d. there.

Clark, Thomas, M.D., 1801-67. One of the Professors. A Scottish chemist ; b. at Ayr, and received his early education at the Ayr Academy ; he was professor of chemistry in Marischal Coll. and Univ., Aberdeen, 1833-60 ; d. at Aberdeen.

Clark, William Adolphus. Anicetus.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 387.

Clark, WiUlam George, 1821-78. W. G. C. An English man of letters; educ. at Cambridge; spent most of his life there ; d. at York.

Clarke, Adam, LL.D., 1762(^)-1832. A. C. An Irish Wesley an preacher, commentator, and theological writer; b. at Moybeg, in the parish of Kilcronag- han, county Londonderry ; completed his education at Kingswood School, near Bristol ; as a preacher he soon became remarkably popular, and rose to a high rank in the Wesleyan body ; after 1805 he chiefly lived in London and the neigh- borhood ; he was greatly distinguished as a scholar, and was the personal friend of many dignitaries of the Church and of other distinguished persons.

Clarke, Anne. A Country-woman. An English writer of Shipston-on-Stour.

See "Gent. Mag.," Vol. LXXVIII., p. 239; and LXXXIV., p. 582.

Clarke, Mrs. Asia (Booth). His Daughter. An American lady ; daughter of Julius Booth, the Elder.

Clarke, Dorus, D.D., 1797-1883. A Congregationalist ; Clericus Hampdenensis.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 387.

Clarke, Edward Daniel, LL.D. An Absent Man.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 387.

Clarke, Edw^ard Hammond, M.D., -1877. E. H. C. An American physi- cian ; Harv. Coll., 1841 ; for many years a physician of Boston.