Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/208

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Coleridge, Henry James. H. J. C.

An English Roman Catholic writer of the day.

Coleridge, Henry Nelson, Esq., M.A., 1800-4.3. H. N. O.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 390.

Coleridge, Sir John Duke, Baron Coleridge, 1820-. The Attorney General. An eminent English jurist ; lord chief jus- tice of England; educ. at Eton and Oxford; called to the bar at the Middle Temple, 1846; M.P., 1865-73; attorney-general, 1871; lord chief justice, 1873; of the Court of Common Pleas of England, 1880.

Coleridge, Mrs. Sara Henry, 1803- 62. His Daughter. An English lady ; b. at Keswick ; daughter of S. T. Cole- ridge, and widow of Henry Nelson.

Coles, EniUle S. E. S. C. An Amer- ican religious writer of the day, of Newark, N.J.(?).

Collier, Jeremy, 1650-1726. ,/, Smith : Jerei.iias, Priinns Avglo-Britannice Epis- copus. An English non-juring bishop ; b. at Stow-with-Quy ; educ. at Cambridge; was consecrated bishop in 1713.

Collier, John Payne. J. P. C. ; The Editor; An Old Man.

See "1. and P.," First Series, p. 391.

ColUn, Frank. F. C. An English song-writer of the day.

Collin de Plancy, Jacques Albin Simon. Jean de Septchenes,

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 391.

CoHingwood, Cuthbert, 1826-. A yaturalist. An English miscellaneous writer; fellow of the Medical Society, London ; b. at Greenwich ; educ. at London, Edinburgh, and Oxford; resided in Liverpool, 1858-66; in 1876-77 he travelled in Palestine and Egypt.

Collins, J. A Compatriot. An Irish writer.

Collins, Miss Mabel. M. C. An English writer of the day ; a daughter of Mortimer Collins.

Collins, William, 1720-56. A Gen- tleman of Oxford. An English lyric poet ; b. at Chichester ; educ. at Win- chester School and at Oxford ; about 1744 he went to London " a literary ad- venturer, with many projects in his head, and very little money in his pocket."

Collins, William Lucas, 1817-87. W. L. C. An English miscellaneous writer; educ. at Jesus Coll., Oxford; curate of Great Houghton, Northants, 1835-62; and of Brayfield, Northants, 1862-63 ; rector of Cheriton, Glamorgan- shire, 1863-67 ; vicar of Kilsby, 1867- 73 ; and rector of Lowick, Northants, 1873-87 ; d. at Lowick.

Collins, William ; Warton, Joseph, and others. Monitorius, Auramantulus, and JJelicatulus. English poete early in the eighteenth century.

Colman, Benjamin ; Cooper, Wil- liam, and others. B. C and others. Colman, Benjamin, D.D. An Ameri- can clergyman of Boston ; b. in 1673 at Boston; Harv. Coll., 1692; first minister of the Brattle Street Church. — Cooper, Rev. William, A.M., 1694-1743.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 394.

Colman, George, the Elder. Lexi- phanes.

.See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 391.

Colman, George, the Younger. A JLagman.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 391.

Colman, Rev. Henry, 1785-1849. C. An American clergyman ; b. in Boston ; Dartmouth Coll., 1805; pastoral Hing- ham, Mass., 1807-20; at Salem, Mass., 1825-32 ; from that time he was devoted to agriculture, etc. ; d. at Islington, Eng- land.

Colquhouu, Patrick, Esq., LL.D. A Magistrate acting for the Counties of Mid- dlesex, Surrey, Kent, and Essex.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 392.

Colson, Henri. Jonathan. A French poet and novelist; professor at the Athe- nseum at Liege.

Colton, Rev. Calvin. Junius.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 392.

Colvill, Samuel. S. C. A Scottish humorous poet of the seventeenth cen- tury ; " The Scotch Hudibras."

Combe, Harvey Christopher. One of the Aldermen. An English municipal officer ; alderman and lord mayor of London, early in the century.

Comber, Rev. Thomas, 1765-. Petrus Pusquinus, C.P.M. An English clergy- man; rector of Oswaldkirk, Yorkshire, from 1813; b. at East Newton, in the N. Riding of Yorks. ; educ. at Cambridge ; was a constant contributor to the " Or- thodox Churchman's Mag."

Comegys, Benjamin Bartis. A Lay- man. An American religious writer of the day.

Comrie, Alexander, 1708-74. Phi- lalethes. A Scotch theological writer ; in 1734 he took at Leyden the degrees of master of arts and doctor of philosophy, and immediately after he was elected minister of the parish of Woubrugge ; he remained minister there till 1773, the year before his death.

Conant, William C, 1825-. Vidi. An American journalist and essayist ; b. in New York City ; editor-proprietor