Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/217

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De La Chaise, . Un Amerioain.

A French political writer of one hun- dred years ago.

De La Croix, Jacques Vincent, 1743- 1832. Un America in. A French jurist; b. at Paris ; d. at Versailles.

Delamayne, Thomas Hallie, about 1720-. A Barrister. An Irish writer; Dublin Univ., 1739; was a lawyer.

Delamotte, William Alfred. W. A. D. An English artist and author of the day.

De La Motte, Philip. An Antiquary. An English writer.

Delany, Patrick, D.D. A Professed Friend, etc.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 407.

Deleon, L'Abbfe. L'Abb^***. A French Tvriter of the day.

Delepierre, Joseph Octave, 1804-79. Octave D.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 407.

De Lisle, Ambrose Lisle March Phillipps, 1809-78. Ambrose Lisle Phil- lipps, Esq. An English Catholic gentle- man ; b. at Garendon, county Leicester ; spent two years at Oxford Univ. ; in 1835 he went to live at Gracedieu, where he had built a small Tudor manor-house, to which a small chapel was attached ; in 1865 he returned to Garendon Park, and d. there.

DeU, John, 1757-1810. Rusticus. An English poet ; d. at Slurry, in Kent.

Delvau, Alfred and Duchesne, Al- phonse. Junius. Delvau, Alfred, 1825- 67. A French author; b. and d. in Paris ; in 1848 he became private secre- tary of Ledru-EoUin, then minister of the Interior, when being removed from a political career he devoted himself to literature. — Duchesne, Alphonse, 1825- 70. A French journalist; b. atLisieux; d. in Paris.

Demarville, . The Editor of the

"Young Lady's Geography." English geo- grapher of the eighteenth century.

De Morgan, Augustus, 1806-71. The Astronomical Censor of the Athenceum. An English mathematician; b. at Madura, in Southern India; educ. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; entered at Lincoln's Inn, but left when he was, in 1828, appointed pro- fessor of mathematics in the Univ. of Lon- don ; resigned this post in 1831, but re- turned to it in 1866 ; d. in London(?).

De Morgan, Mrs. Sophia Elizabeth. C. D. An English writer ; wife of Au- gustus De Morgan.

Denham, Michael Aislabie. M. A.D.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 408.

Denman, Thomas, 1st Baron Den- man, 1779-1864. A Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn. An eminent English ju- rist; b. in London; educ. at Eton and Cambridge ; in 1806 called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn; M.P., 1818-32; lord chief justice of King's Bench, 1832-50 ; was raised to the peerage in 1834.

Dennis, John, 1657-1734. Appius.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 408.

Dennys, Ed^vard Nichols. Ramus Randolph; The Daughter of Dionysius. An English metaphysical writer.

Dent, Charles. C. D.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 409.

De Peyster, John Watts. Anchor.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 409.

De Quincy, Thomas. Anglais Man- geur d'Opium.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 409.

Derby, Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley, the 14th Earl of, 1799-1869. The Rupert of Debate. An eminent Eng- lish statesman and orator ; b. in Lan- cashire ; held important public offices ; his last, prime minister, 1866-68.

Derby, Elias Hasket, 1803-80. A Jurist. An American lawyer ; b. in Salem, Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1824; studied law with Daniel Webster, and began to practise in Boston in 1827 ; United States commissioner, 1867.

Derby, Eliza Stanley, Countess of.

The Countess of D . An English poet

of a century ai?o.

Derham, William, 1657-1735. Mr. D. An English poet; Trin. Coll., Ox- ford, 1675 ; canon of Windsor, 1716.

Derrick, Samuel. Several Gentlemen.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 409.

Derwent, James Lelth. Leith Der- went. An English novelist of the day.

De Salis, Mrs. Harriet Anne. A Disciple. An English writer of the day.

Des Maiseaux, Pierre, 1666-1745. U**** Q****^ Esq. A French critic and historian; b. in Auvergne; took refuge in London after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes ; and became secretary of the Royal Society ; d. in London.

Desoer, Charles Auguste. A. D. A French journalist; editor of the " Journal de Liege."

Desquiron de Saint Agnan, Antoine Toussaint. All Ears et All _ Eyes. A French writer early in the nineteenth century.

Devens, Rev. Samuel Adams. An Inexperienced Clergyman. An American Unitarian minister ; Harv. Coll., 1829 ; Divinity School, 1833 ; in 1886 resident in Boston.