Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/223

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man; Oriel Coll., Oxford, 1823; rector of N. Cray, Kent, 1834-51 ; in 1887 resi- dent at Stanford Park, Kugby, and Lower Grosvenor Street, Grosvenor Square, London.

Edgreii, Mrs. Anne Charlotte (Lief- fler). A. C.E.; A. C. E—n. A Swe- disli authoress.

Eclinboroiigh. E h.

Edinburgh. Auld Reikie.

Edmonds, Frederic, M.D., 1810-. The Defendant. An English pliysician ; M.l). of Univ. of Heidelberg, 1839; resi- dent, 1879, at Parlcvillas, Lower Addis- coinbe, Croydon.

Edmonds, Richard, Jr., 1802-86. A J/ember of his Flock ; Redruth, E. An English writer ; b. at Penzance ; d. at Plymouth.

Edouart, Rev. Augustin Gaspard. Their Vicar. An English clergy- man ; St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 1840 ; vicar of Leominster, Hereford, 1862-87.

Edward, Andrew. A. E. A Scot- tishC?) writer.

Ed'ward, Daniel. Ithiel. A German writer.

Edwards, Miss . A Ladij. An

English writer of one hundred years ago.

Edwards, Mrs. Catharine M. Cousin Kate. An English writer for the young.

Edw^ards, David. D. E. An Eng- lish writer of the day.

Edw^ards, Eev. Edw^ard. Presbyter. An English clergyman ; rector of Pene- goes, Wales, 1849-60 et seij.

Edwards, Edward, 1822-86. The Editor of " The Napoleon Medals. An English bibliographer ; assistant in the British Museum in 1839 ; d. at Niton, Isle of Wight.

Edwards, George, M.D., 1694-1773. Father of Ortiitholoyists. An eminent English naturalist; b. at Westham or Strafford, Essex, and travelled exten- sively in pursuit of his favorite studies ; librarian to the Koyal Coll. of Physi- cians till 1773.

Edwards, Harry Stillwell, 1854-. KIE ; Somers. An American jour- nalist ; b. at Macon, Ga. ; in 1886 resi- dent in his native town.

Edwards, Henry Sutherland, 1828-. H. S. E. An English author and jour- nalist ; eduo. at King's Coll., London, and in Prance, where he lived many years ; correspondent of the " Times," 1862-63, 1867 and 1870 et seq.

Edwards, Jonathan, D.D., 1745- 1801. /. and 0. An American Congre- gational clergyman ; b. in Northampton,

Mass. ; New Jersey Coll., 1765 ; presi- dent of Union Coll., Schenectady, N.Y., 1799-1801, and d. in that town.

Edwards, Mary Ellen, il/. E. E. An English artist of the day ; illustrator of a large number of books, 1864-85 et seq.

Edwards, Sutherland. S. E. An English writer in "Temple Bar." — See " Edwards, Henry Sutherland." Edwards, Thomas, 1699-1757. L.

V. P , A.M. An English barrister

of Lincoln's Inn; a critic and political writer.

EeUs, Eev. Nathaniel, about 1677- 1750. Their Rev. Pastor. An American clergyman; Harv. Coll., 1699; minister of Sc'ituate, Mass., 1704-50.

Egan, Pierce. One of the Fancij. See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 420. Egerton, C. C. E. An English sur- geon.

Egerton, Francis, 3d Duke of Bridge- water, ]7:i6-1803. The Father of British Inland Navigation. An English peer; a younger son of Scroop, the 1st Duke of Bridgewater ; succeeded to the duke- dom in 1748 ; he projected a canal from Worsley to Bridgewater, which was com- pleted at his expense in 1761.

Egerton, Mrs. Sarah (Fyge Field). Mrs. S. F. An English poet early in the eighteenth century ; in 1703 resided at Adstock, near Winslow, in the county of Bucks. — See " Gentleman's Magazine," L., p. 562 ; LI, p. 121.

Eggleston, John. The Callico Quaker. An English M.P. early in the eighteenth century.

Egleton, John. A Citizen. An Eng- lish political writer early in the eigh- teenth century.

Eltstrom, Karl. Guhben Noack, A Swedish writer of the day. Eldridge, R. Redijirdle. Elie de Beaumont, Mme. Annie Ijouise Morin Duinesnil, 1729-83. Mad. E. D. B. ; Madame *** ; Marquis de BoseJle. A witty and learned French lady ; b. at Caen ; wrote several excel- lent works.

Eliot, Edw^ard Granville, 3d Earl of St. Germans, 1798-1877. The Earl of St. Germans ; An Educational A dvocate. An English nobleman ; b. and d. at Port Eliot; lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 1852- 55 ; lord steward of the Household, 1857- 58 and 1859-66.

Eliot, Eev. Joseph, about 1634-94. Rev. ifr. J. E. An American clergy- man ; Harv. Coll., 1653 ; minister at Guilford, Conn., about 1660-94.