Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/236

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Goddard, Rev. Charles, D.D. The

Vicar of that Parish [Bexley]. An Eng- lish clergyman ; archdeacon of Lincoln.

Godfrey, Col. John A. "Gov." An American poet of the clay.

Godolphin, Sidney, 1st Earl of Go- dolphin, 1645-1712. Fiscario. An emi- nent English statesman ; h. in Cornwall ; lord high treasurer, 1702-11 ; d. at St. Albans.

Godson, Rev. John. A Vicar. An English clergyman ; tit. Catherine Coll., Cambridge, 1859 ; vicar of Ashby Fol- ville, Melton-Mowbray, 1869-80 et seq.

Godwin, E. C Caleb Star-buck. An American novelist.

Godecke, Peter August, 1840-. Finn. A Swedish journalist and autlior.

Godsehc, Hermann Ottoinar Fried- rich, Sir .John Betcliffe. A German novelist of the day.

Gorllng, Adolph. A. i-. Colenfeld. A German novelist.

Gotberg, K. Reinhold. A Swedish writer.

Gothe, Georg. G. G. A Swedish author.

Goflfe, Joseph. A Member of the Council. An American minister of Wor- cester Co., Mass., seventy years ago.

Goldsmith, Lieut. Hugh Colvlll, R.X., 1789-1841. .4)1 Offcer of the Royal Navy. An English naval officer; b. at St. Andrews, New Brunswick ; d. at sea, off St. Thomas, West Indies.

Goldsmith, Ije\vis, 1763-1846. A Gentleman resident at Paris; A Gentle- man at Paris. An English Jew ; at one time he edited the Paris "Argus," and was interested in Frencli politics.

Goldsmith, Oliver, 1728-74. Goldy ; Tom Telescope, A.^[. ; The Inspired Idiot.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 439.

Golightly, Charles Portales, M.A. A Member of the University of Oxford ; A Senior Resident Member of the University of Oxford. An English clergyman ; Oriel Coll., Oxford, 1828; in 1880 resi- dent in Holysvell Street, Oxford.

Gomersall, Mrs. A. A Female In- habitant of Ineds, in Yorlcshire. An Eng- lish novelist of one hundred years ago.

Good, Henry. An Advocate. An American law writer of the day, at Chili, South America.

Good, Rev. Philip Henry, M.A. An Englishman. An English clergyman ; Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1863; curate of Woking, Surrey, 1879-80 et seq.

Goodloe, Daniel R. A Carolinian. An American statesman, of North(?) Carolina.

Goodluck, W. B. The Master of a Grammar School. An English teacher sixty years ago.

Goodspeed, Rev. Edgar J. A Chi- cago Clergyman, An American writer of the day.

Goodwin, Ezra Shaw, A.M., 1787- 1833. G — n. An American minister ; Harv. Coll., 1807 ; pastor at Sandwich, Mass., 1813-33.

Goose, Mrs. Elizabeth Foster, 1635-. Mother Goose. An American woman ; b. in Charlestown, Mass. ; In 1693 married Isaac Goose, of Boston, where she re- mained many years. One of her daugh- ters was the wife of Thomas Fleet, a printer of Pudding-lane, Boston ; Mrs. Goose lived with Mrs. Fleet as a nurse to the children, and there she sang from morning till night : —

" Up stairs and down stairs. And in my lady's chamber."

Mr. Thomas Fleet carefully wrote down her rhymes as they fell from her lips, and printed and sold them for " two coppers."

Gordon, Mrs. George W. A Mother. An American writer; wife of a former postmaster of Boston.

Gordon, or Gordone, Rev. James. A Minister of that Church. A Scottish di- vine ; minister of Alford, early in the eighteenth century.

Gordon, Joseph. An Obscure and Nameless Hard in the Braes of Angus. A Scottish poet of sixty years ago.

Gordon, Mrs. Blary (WUson). His Daughter. A Scottish lady ; daughter of John Wilson ( Christopher North) .

Gordon, Thomas, 1684(1) -1750. An Independent Whig ; Cato the Jour- nalist ; A Member of the House of Commons.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 440.

Gordon, William. Parthenopceus Hereticus.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 440.

Gore, Mrs. Catherine Frances Graee (Moody). C. F. G.

See " X. and P.," First Series, p. 440.

Gorham, George Cornelius, B.D. Candidus. An English clergyman ; Queen's Coll., Cambridge, 1809; vicar of Brampford-Speke, Devon.

Gossip, Robert. A Layman. An English journalist, late of the " Daily Review."

Gostling, William, M.A., 1695-1777. One well acquainted with some of the Trav- ellers. An English antiquary; b. and d. in Canterbury ; minor canon of the cathedral.