Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/249

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Hugo, Mme. Marie. Marie. A French writer ; wife of Victor Marie Hugo.

Hugo, Victor Marie, 1802-86. Paul Foucher.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 462.

Hulett, T. G. A Resident at the Falls. An American writer, of Niagara Falls.

Hull, James. Jimmy Restless.

Hullett, Rev. John, B.A. A Country Parson. An English clergyman; St. Catherine Hall, Cambridge, 1838 ; P.C. of Allestree, near Derby, 1849-60 et seq.

Humble, Henry, M.A. H. H. An English clergyman ; Univ. Coll., Dur- ham, 1837 ; domestic chaplain to Lord Forbes, 1844 ; canon and precentor of St. Ninian's, Perth.

Hume, Abraham, LL.D., about 1815- 85. A Clergyman. An English archas- ologist and traveller ; for six years presi- dent of the Historical Society of Lanca- shire and Cheshire ; d. at Liverpool.

Hume, David, 1711-76. Hannah Waitford. A Scottish philosopher ; b. at Edinburgh ; in 1737 he went to London, but returned to his native city, 1769, and spent the rest of his life there, and d. there.

Hume, Joseph, 1777-1855. Adver- sity Hume. A British statesman ; b. at Montrose, Scotland ; was a surgeon in the East India service, 1797-1808 ; M.P., 1812 and 1818-55.

Hume, Patrick. P. H. ^iXottoJtjtt/j. An English schoolmaster of London ; an- notator of Milton.

Humerus, Lars Johanson. Lucidor den Olycklige. An early Swedish(?) writer.

Humfrey, John, 1621-. J. H.; A Friend Unknown ; One that holds Com- munion with the Church.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 463.

Humphreys, Rev. Asher. A Dis- senting Teacher. An English minister of the first part of the eighteenth century.

Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret Argles. The Duchess.

Hunt, Brian. A Presbi/ter of the Church of England. An English clergy- man early in the eighteenth century.

Hunt, Lieut. Edward B. E. B. H — t. An American soldier ; b. in New York ; entered the United States army from that State in 1845 ; became major in 1863 ; d. in 1866.

Hunt, Ezra Mundy, M.D., 1830-. A Plain Hand. An American physician ; b. at Metuchen, N.J. ; New Jersey Coll., 1849; M.D., 1852; in the same year

established himself in his native town ; assistant-surgeon of the 29th New Jersey regulars, 1862 ; and surgeon in charge of the Calvert Street Hospital, Baltimore, in 1863.

Hunt, James Henry Leigh. The Au- thor of ^^ Theatrical Criticisms "in the Week- ly Paper called " The News " ; The Editor of the " Examiner" ; J[^™.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 463.

Hunt, John, D.D. J. H. An Eng- lish clergyman ; D.D., Univ. of St. An- drews ; vicar of Otford, Sevenoaks, Kent, 1878-87.

Hunt, Margaret (Raine), 1831-. Averil Beaumont. An English writer; b. at Durham ; in 1886 resident in Lon- don.

Hunter, Alexander, M.D., 1729- 1809. Ignotus. A Scottish physician ; b. in Edinburgh ; settled as a physi- cian at Gainsborough, at Beverly, and finally at York, England, where he died.

Hunter, Henry. Harry Hudson.

Hunter, Rev. James. A Qiiinque- genarian. An English clergyman ; rector of Banff Academy.

Huntington, Rev. David, A.M., 1745- 1812. The Apologist. An American Congregational minister; b. at Lebanon, Conn. ; Dartmouth Coll., 1773 ; pastor at North Lyme, Conn., 1803-12, and d. there.

Huntington, Frederic Dan, D.D. H. ; F. D. H.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 464.

Huntor, Samuel. S. H., Senior.

Hurd, Eliza Gilbert. Scotch Squid.

Hurd, Richard, D.D., 1720-1808. The Editor of " Moral and Political Dia- logues " ; The Editor ; A Fellow of a Col- lege.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 464.

Hurlbut, Martin Luther. M. L. H. An American writer.

Hurlbut, Sidney S. An Outsider. An American writer of the West.

Hurlbut, Stephen A., about 1815-. S. A. H. An American writer ; b. at Charleston, S.C. ; commanded a division of General Grant's army at Shiloh, 1862 ; in 1864 was a major-general in General Sherman's army.

Hurlbut, William Henry. W. H. H.; H—t.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 464.

Husk, William H. W. H. H. An American writer ; librarian to the Long Island Sound Historical Society Q).

Husson-Fleury, ifcdouard. Edouard Fleury. A French printer at Laon ; old-