Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/262

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McCoU, Rev. Malcolm. Scrutator.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 488.

McCord, Mrs. Louisa S. (Cheves), 1810-. L. S. M.

See " I. and P.," First Scries, p. 488.

McCue, James S. A Stage Driver. An American writer of California.

MoCunn, John H. Justice. An American writer of Albany, N.Y.(?).

McDonald, Daniel, D.IX, -18.30. P. An American Episcopal clergyman; rec- tor of St. Peter's Oiurch, Auburn, N.Y., 1813-17 ; professor and president of Geneva Coll., 1825-30.

Macdonough, Augustus Rodney, A.M., 1820-. Arviac. An American ■writer; Yale Coll., 1839; resident in New York City.

McElroy, John. A Private Soldier. An American soldier of the West in the late civil war.

M'Fie, Mrs. C. M. E. C. M. E. M. A Scottish writer; published at Glasgow, 1836.

M'GUl, Rev. John. A Chapel Minister.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 489.

McGrew, Alexander. Kill von Kull.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 489.

McHale, John, D.D. Bibliophilus.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 489.

Mcllvaine, Charles, 1840-. Tobe Hodge. An American humorist ; in 1886 resident in Philadelphia.

Mackintire, Farrington. F. M. An American clergyman ; b. in Fitch- burg, Mass.; Harv. Coll., 1843; Divinity School, 1846.

Macintosh, Miss. Carolina.

Mcintosh, Maria Jane. Cousin Kate.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 490.

M'lvor, Daniel. The Smith of Smith- eden. A Scottish writer; published at Edinburgh, 1857.

Mackarness, Mrs. Matilda Anne (Planch^). The Spirit of a little Bell, etc. ; The Same Spirit.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 490.

Mackay, Eric. A Violinist. A Scot- tish (?) writer of the day.

MacKay, R. A Citizen of the West. An American poet.

McKean, Henry Swasey, A.M., 1810- •67. John Smith. An American writer; b. and d. in Boston ; Harv. Univ., 1828 ; librarian of the Boston Mercantile Li- brary, 1842-45.

McKean, Joseph, D.D., 1776-1818. A Member of the " Massachusetts Historical Society." An American clergyman ; b. in Ipswich, Mass.; Harv. Coll., 1794; professor of rhetoric and oratory there, 1809-18.

Macbee, Rev. Thomas John, M.A. A)i Old Pastor. An Irish clergyman; Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1814; vicar of Bramp- ton, near Huntingdon, 1844-60 et seq.

Mackenzie, Alexander Slldell. Ed- ward Hamilton.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 490.

Mackenzie, Mrs. Anne Blaria. A. 21.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 490.

Mackenzie, Colin. One of the Old School. A Scottish writer.

Mackenzie, George, 1 st Earl of Cro- marty, 1030-1714. 6;. E. of C. A Scot- tish political and literary character; eld- est son of Sir John Mackenzie of Tarbat ; succeeded his father in 1654; justice- general for Scotland, 1678 ; a lord of ses- sion in 1681, and lord register; in 1685 created viscount of Tarbat ; earl of Cro- marty, 1703; d. at his seat of New Tar- bat, in Ross-shire.

M'Kenzie, Henry, Esq. H. M'/C.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 490.

Mackenzie, Rev. William. A Cler- gyman.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 490.

McKim, William W. An Ex-Army Officer. An American writer of the day; b. in Massachusetts ; entered the army from that State ; captain-assistant-quar- termaster, 1864 ; resigned, 1866.

Mackintosh, Lachlan. Invernessicus. A Scottish writer of Raigmore.

Macky, John. A Gentleman Here.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 491.

Maclauriu, Colin, 1698-1746. C

M. A Scottish mathematician and philosopher; b. at Kilmoden, near In- verary ; educ. at the Univ. of Glasgow, 1709-14; in 1719 went to London; pro- fessor at Aberdeen, 1717-25; at Edin- burgh, 1725-46; where(?) he died.

Maclaurin, John, M.A., 1693-1754. X. Y., Tallow Chandler. A Scottish clergyman ; b. in Argyleshire ; brother of Colin the mathematician ; was one of the ministers of Glasgow.

Blaclean, Sir John, Knt.,F.S.A.,1811-. A Churchman ; M. An English writer ; b. at Trehudreth, Cornwall ; entered the ordnance department, 1837 ; deputy chief auditor of the army, 1865-71 ; in 1880 resident at Bicknor Court, Coleford, Gloucestershire.

McLellan, Isaac, 1806-. /. M. An American poet and journalist; b. in Portland, Me. ; Bowdoin Coll., 1826 ; has been editor and assistant-editor of several journals ; of late years has resided at Greenport, R.I.

Maclennan, J. C. Iconoclast. A Scottish writer on art.