Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/275

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preceding; b. in Boston; Harv. Coll., 1844; in 1887 resident in Boston.

Parkinan, John, 1813-83. J. P. An American clergyman ; b. at Brigh- ton, Mass. ; Harv. Coll., 1S32 ; Divinity School, 1835 ; during his last years re- sided in Boston ; drowned in the Nashua River.

Parnell, Sir Henry Brooke, 1770- 1844. Un Membre du Parlement d'Amjle.- terre. An English statesman; educ. at Cambridge; created Baron Congletoii, 1841 ; was a member of Parliament for many years, and held many public ofiBces.

Parr, Samuel, LL.D., D.D. An Oc- ■casional Writer in the " British Critic " ; The Editor of" Bellendene."

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 517.

Parry, Kmina liouisa. An American Student Girl. An English writer of the day.

Parsons, Benjamin, -lyfil. ^1 Chris- tian Lai/man. An American author; Yale Coil., 1791.

Parsons, Mrs. Julia ( Warth) . Julian ]Vartli. Au American writer of the day; "Will.' of the son of Prof. Theophiliis Par-


Parsons, Theophilus, LL.D. T. P. ;

A Member of the Boston Society of the New Jerusalem.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 517.

Parsons, William. A Member of the Arcadian Societi/ rit Rome. An English poet and gentlemnn of fortune, who re- sided long in Italy, and, together with Mr. Merry, Mrs. Piozzi, and others, formed the Arcadian Society, and con- tributed to the " Florence Miscellany."

Parton, Mrs. Sara Payson (Willis Farrington Eldredge). F. F.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 518.

Partridge, Rev. Samuel, M.A., F.S.A. A Lincolnshire Freeholder. An Eng- lish clergyman ; vicar of Boston, Lin- colnshire; b. at Salthill; educ. at Eton, and Magdalen Coll., Oxford.

Pascoe, Rev. William Gluyas, 1838-. A Wesleyan Minister. An Eng- lisli clergyman ; b. at Marazion.

Passaglia, Abb^ Carlo. Ernesto Fi- lalete. An Italian political and theologi- cal writer ; about 1861 he wrote a pam- phlet in which lie advised the Pope to resign his temporal power; in 1863 he was elected a member of the Italian par- liament.

Paterson, George. An Advocate, not « Sheriff. A Scottish writer.

Paterson, William. An Amateur. An English oflScer; entered the army,

1846; captain, 1856; became professor of military surveying in the Royal Mili- tary Coll.. at Sandhurst ; served with the 80tli Regiment in the Burmese war of 1852-53.

Paterson, William [Founder of the Bank of England], about 1660-1719. Lewis Me<lirai/. A Scottish banker; b. at Skipmyrc, Parish of Tinwald, Dum- friesshire ; was at one time a merchant in London, but d. poor,

Paton, Sir Joseph Noel, P *=! A.,LL.D. Elsie Strireli/ne.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 518.

Patrick, Mrs. F. C. The Wife of an Officer. An English novelist early in the century.

Patten, Claudius Buchanan. An American Banker. An American writer.

Patterson, Mrs. T. C. Quartz. A Canadian writer of Toronto.

Patton, Francis T. McLeod Noi/es.

Paul, Rev. Charles Kegan. Bev. C. K. P. An English clergyman ; Exe- ter Coll., Oxford,"l849; vicar of Stur- minster-Marshall, 1862-70 el seq.

Paul, Oscar. Paul Frank.

Paulding, . E Pluribus Unum.

An American writer of the day.

Pauw, Cornells van, 1739-99. M. de P. A Dutch writer; b. at Amster- dam ; became canon of Xanten.

Pau^v, Jan Cornells van, -1749. Philargt/rius Cantabrigiensis. A Dutch philologist ; b. at Utrecht.

Payba, Abraham. James Robert. An English writer of the eighteenth century.

Payn, James, 1830-. John S. Sau- zade. An English novelist of the day ; b. at Cheltenham ; educ. at Eton, Wool- wich Acad., and Trin. Coll., Cambridge.

There is much confusion in regard to J. S. Sauzade. Allihone gives hira as a real person- age, b. in New Yorli City in 1828; and in one library catalogue a list of novels is given as written by him, and James Payn is given as hie pseudonym. James Payn was certainly a real person. Another c:italogue makes Payn the real name, and Sauzade the pseudonym.

Payne, A, G. Phlllis Browne. An American writer of the day.

Payne, Thomas. Tri/pho Emeritus. An English bookseller of London; "one of the honestest men living, to whom, as a bookseller, liCaming is under considera- ble obligations."

Paynter, Commander Charles, R.N., 1791-1873. Philalethes. An English naval officer ; b. and d. at Penzance.

Peabody, Mrs. . A Mother. An

American writer.

Peabody, Andrew Preston, D.D., 1811-. A. P. P.; *P. An American