Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/279

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at Aldgate Parish, Oxford ; in 1875 resi- dent at Shortwood, Temple Cloud, Bris- tol.

Playfair, ■Wmiam, 1759-1829. Un Anglais. A Scottish political writer and inventor ; b. near Dundee ; about 1814 he became editor of Galignani's " Mes- senger," in Paris, but afterwards resided in London.

PUimer, William. A Laijman ; Im- partialis{1).

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 525.

Plumptre, Edward Hayes, CD. E. H. P. An English clergyman; Univ. Coll., Oxford, 1844; dean of "Wells, Somerset, 1881-87.

Plumptre, Rev. John, D.D. A Cler- gyman of the Church of England.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 525.

Plunket, William ConyDgham, Lord, 1764-1854. Sheelagh. An Irish jurist; b. and d. in Dublin; was raised to the peerage, and became lord-chan- cellor of Ireland.

Plunkett, Edward, 16th Baron Dun- sany, 1808-58. A Naval Peer. An Irish naval oflBlcer ; b. and d. at Dunsany Cas- tle, county Meath ; captain in the royal navy ; succeeded to the peerage in 1852.

Pocaliontas, 1595-1617. T/ie Chiefs Daughter. An Indian woman ; daughter of the chief Powhatan ; was very friendly to the colonists ; in 1613 she was married to Thomas Rolfe ; in 1616 went with him to England ; was baptized, and received the name of Eebecca ; d. at Gravesend, England.

Pococt, Robert. The Chairman of the Kent Natural History Society. An English printer of Gravesend, Kent.

Poe, Edgar Allan. Geoffrey Quarles ; E. A. P.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 525.

Poinsett, Joel Roberts, LL.D. The Secretary of War ; A South Carolinian.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 525.

Poland, James W. Uncle Silas. An American writer for the young.

Poletika, M. A Russian.

Polhill, Charles. A Country Gentle- man. An English writer of one hundred years ago.

Pollt, J. B. Christopher Columbus Gait.

Polk, lieonidas, 1806-64. The Bishop of Louisiana. An American Episcopal clergyman ; b. at Raleigh, N.C. ; educ. at West Point, 1827 ; major-general in the Confederate army, 1861-64; killed at Pine Mountain, Ga.

Pollard, Benjamin, 1780-1836. Mar- cus Brutus. An American journalist and

politician; b. and d. in Boston ; clerk of the Massachusetts House of Representa- tives, 1811-15 ; city marshal of Boston, 1822-30.

Pollard, Edward Alfred. One Re- cently Returned from the Enemy's Country ; A Southerner. An American journalist of Richmond, Va.

Pollock, Frederick. An Apprentice of Lincoln's Inn. An English poet of the day.

Polwhele, Rev. Richard. Atticus; Eusebius Devoniensis ; Ecclesiasticus ; Au- thor of " Local Attachment " and Translator of " Theocritus " ; Rev. William il/ — n.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 525.

Pomfret, John, about 1667-1703. Philalethes. An English poet ; b. at Lu- ton, in Bedfordshire ; educ. at Cam- bridge ; went to London about 1703, and d. there.

Pond, Enoch, D.D., 1791-1882. A Clergyman of Massachusetts. An eminent American clergyman ; b. at Wrentham, Mass. ; Brown Univ., 1813 ; president and professor at Bangor, Me., 1856-82.

Poole, Capt. D. C. An Indian Agent. An American writer of the day.

Poole, Robert, M.D. Theophilus Phil- anthropos. An English physician of the eighteenth century.

Pooton, James. Matthew Unit.

Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744. A

P — e; Bard of Twickenham; Esdras Bar- nivelt, Apoth. ; Lord Peter.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 526.

Pope, Augustus Russell, 1819-58. A. R. P. An American clei-gyman ; b. in Boston; Harv. Coll., 1839; Divinity School, 1842; pastor at Somerville, Mass., 1847-58, and d. there.

Pope, Henry. Gavilan Peak. An American poet of the day.

Porcher, F. A. F. A. P. An Amer- ican writer of the South.

Porson, Richard, D.D. S. England.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 626.

Portal, Rev. George Raymond. A London Clergyman. An English clergy- man ; Christ Church, Oxford, 1840 ; rec- tor of Albury, Guildford, 1858-71; of Burghclere w. Newtown, 1871-87.

Porter, Albert H. An Old Resident. An American writer of the day, at Ni- agara Falls.

Porter, Miss Anna Marie, 1780- 1832. ^1 Young Lady. An English writer ; b. in Durham ; in her childhood was a favorite of Sir Walter Scott.

Porter, David. A Fellow Citizen.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 526.

Porter, William Ogilvie, M.D. Sir