Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/283

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and statesman ; governor of Virginia, 1786-88; attorney-general of the United States, 1790-94; and United States secre- tary of state, 1794-95.

Randolph, Francis, D.D., 1755-1831. Britannicus. An English clergyman ; fellow of King's Coll., Cambridge; pre- bendary of Bristol, and proprietor of Laura Chapel, Bath ; was a native of the west of England, and resided some years in Germany.

Randolph, Sarah Nicholas. His Great - Granddaughter, An Ameri(!an lady; granddaughter of Thomas Jef- ferson.

Rands, William Brighty. An Es- sayist; W. B.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 531.

Rantoul, Robert, Jr., 1805-52. B. R. An American lawyer and politician ; b. in Beverly; Hary. Coll., 1826; admitted to the bar, 1828 ; United States attorney for Suffolk Co., 1845-49 ; United States senator for a few days in 1851 ; M.C. for Essex, 1851-52; d. in Washington, D.C.

Ranyard, Mrs. Ellen. L. iV. R.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 531.

Rathbone, Mrs. Hannah Mary. Lady Willoughby. An English author.

Rave, Judith. Molly.

Ravenscroft, F. The Manager. An English writer of Birkbeck.

Rawle, Francis, -1727. A Lover of his Country. An American writer; son of Francis Rawle, member of an old Cornish family that came to America in 1686, and d. at Philadelphia, 1697.

Ray, Isaac, M.D., 1807-81. I. R. An American physician ; b. at Beverly, Mass. ; studied medicine at Bowdoin Coll., and in 1827 began practice at Portland, Me. ; in 1829 removed to East- port, Me. ; was superintendent of the State insane asylum at Augusta, Me., 1841-45, and of the Butler asylum at Providence, R.I., 1845-66.

Raymond, Henry Jarvis, LL.D., 1820-69. A Representative. An Ameri- can journalist; b. at Lima, N.Y. ; Univ. of Vermont, 1840; studied law in New York City; assistant editor of the "Tri- bune," 1841 ; on the staff of tlie " Cour- ier and Enquirer," 1848-51; founder and editor of the New York "Times," 1851-69 ; d. in New York City.

Raymond, John Howard. The President of the College. An American educator; Union Coll., N.Y., 1832; pro- fessor at Madison Univ., at Rochester, N.Y. ; president of Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute ; president of Vassar Coll.

Read, William, M.D., 1820-. The City Physician. An American physician of Boston; b. at Nashua, N.H.; Dart- mouth Coll., 1839; M.U., Harv. Medical School, 1842 ; was for a time city physi- cian of Boston, where, in 1887, he still practises.

Reade, John Edmund, -1870. .

An English poet ; son of Thomas Reade, Esq., of Burton Manor ; b. at Broadwell, Gloucestershire ; devoted his life to liter- ary pursuits.

Redding, Cyrus. An Ex-Editor.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 532.

Reed, Andrew, 1787-1862. Douglas. An English Independent minister ; b. in London ; educ. at Hackney Coll. ; pastor of the New Road Chapel, St. George's in the East, 1811-31 ; of Wycliffe Chapel, Mile End Road, London, 1831-62.

Reeve, Miss Clara, 1725-1807. The Editor of the Pha:ni.x ; C. R.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 532.

Reeves, John, 1752-1829. A Barris- ter; A Lawyer. An English lawyer; educ. at Merton Coll., Oxford ; called to the bar in the Middle Temple about 1780 ; chief-justice of Newfoundland, 1701-92 ; one of the king's printers, 1800 ; a super- intendent of aliens, 1803-14.

Reid, Rev. Horace Hall. The Rector of Christ's Church, Waterfowv, Conn. An American Episcopal clergyman ; b. in Charlestown, N.H. ; Yale Coll., 1843; General Theological Seminary, N.Y., 1848; rector of St. Stephen's Church, Milburn, N.J., 1857-59; d. at Geneva, Switzerland, 1853.

Reid, Mayne, 1818-83. CannibalJack. An Irish novelist ; in 1838 he came to this country and spent more than five years roaming about the country ; after- ward settling in Philadelphia, he con- tributed largely to the periodicals of that city and New York ; then served in the Mexican War ; in 1849 returned to Eng- land and settled in London, and devoted himself to novel and story writing ; d. near London.

Reid, Robert, 1773-1865. Senex. A Scottish antiquary and topographer of Strahoun Lodge, Isle of Cumbrae; under this signature published a series of arti- cles in the Glasgow " Herald," which were afterwards reprinted under the name of " Glasgow, Past and Present." — See Joseph Irving's "Book of Scotsmen," Paisley, 1881.

Reid, Whitelaw. Agate.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 532.

Rein, de Goeje te Ijeiden, Mej. Agatha. A Dutch writer of the day.