Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/307

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Warren, Joseph, M.D., 1740-75. A True Patriot. An American patriot ; b. in Eoxbury, Mass. ; Harv. Coll., 1759 ; major-general in the American Reyolu- tionary Army, June 14, 1775, and killed four days later at the battle of Bunker Hill.

Warren, Samuel. S. W. An Eng- lish religious writer of London.

Warren, Samuel, D.C.L. A Barrister- at-law.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 584.

Warrington, ■&. A Layman of the Church of England. An English religious writer.

Warton, Thomas, 1728-90. Menan- der ; .fohn Whetham ; Verax.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 584.

Wasborough, . Montague Wii-


See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 584.

Washburn, Mrs. . Table-Oossip.

An American writer for the Boston "Sun- day Globe."

Washington, George, 1732-99. The American Fahius. An American states- man ; b. in Westmoreland Co., Va. ; pres- ident of the United States, 1789-97; d. at Mount Vernon, Va.

Washington, John, J. W.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 584.

Wassou, David Atwood. L>. A. W. An American writer; wrote for the " Christian Examiner," " North American Review," etc.

Waterland, Daniel, D.D., 168.3-1740. The Doctor. An English clergyman; b. at Wasely, Lincolnshire ; educ. at Cam- bridge; vicar of Twickenham and arch- deacon of Middlesex, 1730-40.

Waterland, Eev. Joseph. A Minis- ter of the Church of England. An English clergyman of two hundred years ago.

Waterman, Eev. Jotham, - 1836. Aquce Homo, A.B. An American minister ; Harv. Coll., 1799; preached at Ply- mouth, TS.C, in 1818, and in Ipswich, Mass. (at least on one occasion), in 1819.

Waters, E. W. An Orderly Serjeant. An American soldier of the 22d Connec- ticut Volunteers in the late civil war.

Waterston, Eev. Robert Cassle, A.M. R. C. W.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 584.

Watkins, Tobias, M.D. J£gles ; T. W.; Pertinax Particular.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 584.

Watre, Antony. Nemesis, An Eng- lish writer.

Watson, George B. Lamp. An American writer of the day.

Watson, Jean Ij., -1885. J. L. W. A Scottish novelist ; b. at Broughton, in Peeblesshire ; for many years resided at Edinburgh.

Watson, John. A Free Church Lay- man.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 585.

Watson, Richard, D.D., 1737-1816. A Consistent Protestant ; Philobiblius.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 585.

Watts, Alaric Alexander, 1799-1864. A Magazine Editor. An English poet, editor, and journalist ; b. in London.

Watts, George Frederick, 1818-. F. W. George. An eminent English artist ; b. in London, and self-taught.

Wayne, Anthony, 1745-96. Mad Anthony. An able American soldier ; b. in Chester Co., Penn. ; d. at Presque Isle, on Lake Erie.

Weatherhead, George Hume, M.D. A Pedestrian Tourist. An English phy- sician of London.

Webb, Mrs. A. A. W. An English writer.

Webb, Daniel. An English Woolen Manufacturer. An English writer of one hundred and fifty years ago.

Webb, PhUip Carteret. P. C. W.; A Member of the Society of Antiquaries of London; A Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 586.

Webster, Benjamin Franklin. An Officer. .-Vn American soldier of the Army of the Cumberland.

Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. The Expounder of the Constitution; Icarus; " The Great Expou der." An eminent American statesm; n ; b. at Salisbury, N.H.; United States secretary of state, 1850-52 ; d. at Marshfield, Mass.

Webster, George. A Displeased Layman. A Scottish writer of Newland, Fintray.

Webster, John White, M.D., -1850. J. W. W. An American chemist ; Harv. Univ., 1811; lecturer and professor there, 1824-50.

Webster, Noah, LL.D. Adam ; Con- tented Freeman.

See " I. and P.," Fir' u Series, p. 586.

Webster, Pelatiah, A.M. A Citizen of Philadelphia; A Financier.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 586,

Webster, Samuel, D.D., 1718-96. A Minister. An American Congregational clergyman; b. in Bradford, Mass. ; Harv. Coll., 1737; pastor at Salisbury, Mass., 1741-96, and d. there.

Wedderburn, Alexander, Lord Loughborough, 1733-1805. The Great- est Hypocrite in His Majesty's Dominions.