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late president of the Quekett Microscopic Club.

White, Rt. Rev. WUllam, D.D., 1748- 1836. Silas. An eminent American Episcopal clergyman ; b. in Pliiladelphia; graduated at the college of that city in 1765; was chaplain of Congress for some years ; was bishop of Pennsylvania, and the first American bishop consecrated in England ; d. in his native city.

White, William Charles, 1777-1818. ^l Be.paUican. An American lawyer and political writer; but previously on actor and dramatist; b. in Boston ; d. in Wor- cester.

White, William F. William Greij. An American pioneer of California ; a writer of the day.

Whitefleld, Rev. George. Some of his quondam dear Friends, called Quakers ; Dr. Squlntum ; Mr. W — d.

See " 1. and P.," First Series, p. 590.

Whitehead, Paul, 1709 or 1710-1774. Paul the Aged. An English poet ; b. in Holborn ; became " an active politician, a poetical satirist, and one of the thrice- infamous monks of Medmenham Abbey ; was deputy treasurer of the Chamber."

Whitehead, Sarah R. ,S. R. W.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 590.

Whiteing, Richard. AJb.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 590.

Whitelaw, James. Walter Dove. An English writer on skating.

Whitford, Mrs. Helena (Wells). A Lady, An English lady ; daughter of Robert Wells, and wife of Mr. Whitford. — See " Gentleman's Magazine," XCIV., ii., p. 569; LXXIX., ii., p. 036.

Whiting, Dexter. Willie Wildman. An American poet of CharltonC?), Mass.

Whiting, John, 165-5-1722. ./. Tl'. An English Friend or Quaker, early in the eighteenth century ; of Naylsey, afterwards of Wrington, Somersetshire; d. in London.

Whiting, Mrs. M. H. Wrestling Brewster. An American writer of the day.

Whiting, Sydney. A Stomach.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 590.

Whitlock, Sir William. Mr. Nega- tive Shoestrings. An English gentleman; M.P. for the Univ. of Oxford.

Whitman, Jason, 1799-1848. W. ; J. W — n. An American clergyman; b. in Bridgewater, Mass. ; Harv. Coll., 1825; Divinity School, 1831 ; pastor at Lexing- ton, Mass., 1845-48, and d. there.

Whitney, Mrs. Adeline Dutton (Train), 1824-. A. D. T. W.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 591.

Whitney, James S. A Member of the Board of Education. An American writer of the day of Philadelphia.

Whitney, Mrs. Louisa (Goddard). One of the Pupils.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 591.

Whittaker, Frederick. A Volunteer Cacalri/man.

See " L and P.," First Series, p. 591,

Whittemore, Nathan. iV. W. An American almanac-maker; publisher, Boston, 1717.

AVhittie, John. A Minister, Chaplain in the Ann//. An English clergyman of two hundred years ago.

AVhittier, John Greenleaf. The Quaker Pwl ; J. G. W.

Sec " I. and P.," First Series, p. 591.

Whittington, W. D., and others. Hijdra Pol'/cephahis, Esq. An English journalist early in tliL' nineteenth century.

WhitAvorth, Robert. .Joseph Slot. An English writer of the eighteenth cen- tury of Manchester; a printerC?) and bookseUer(?).

Whyte, Robert. A Cabin Passenger.

Whyte, William. W. W. An Eng- lish poet of the first part of the eigh- teenth century.

Wickstrom, Prof. V. H. Christer Swahn. A Swedish writer.

WIdinann, Leon Willy. Leon Willy.

Wieselgren, Harald. H. W. A Swedish author and librarian at Stock- holm.

Wieselgren, Sigfrid, 1843-. SIxten Wird ; Horatio. A Swedish author.

WigglesTForth, Edward. W.; E. W. An American lawyer; Harv. Coll., 1822; LL.B., 1825; d. 1876.

Wight, Orlando Williams, 1824-. 0. W. W. An American author; b. at Centreville, N.Y. ; studied at Westfield Acad, and Rochester Coll. Institute, and then travelled in Europe.

Wightman, O- G. R. A Private Gen- tleman. An English writer of one hun- dred years ago.

Wigstrom, Mrs. Eva. Ave. A Swed- ish novelist.

Wild, Henry, about 1684 to about 1730. The Learned Tailor. An Enghsh scholar ; b. at Norwich ; he learned Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac, and other Oriental languages, and was employed in the Bodleian Library.

Wildbore, Rev. Charles, -1802. Ami- cus; Eumenes. An English mathemati- cian ; for more than thirty years pastor of Sulney, Notts.

Wilde, Richard Henry, 1789-1847. Fitzhugh Delanif. An American lawyer;