Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/52

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D., W. A. William Alfred Dela- moite. Smoking and smokers. L.


D***, Mme. Jenny. Mme. Jennij (Dufourquet') Bastide. Souvenirs de . . . public's par Eugene (Catin, dit) de La Morlicre. Paris, 1821.

D***^ B***_ Baudry des Lozieres, Louis Narcisse. Voyage & la Louisiane, etc., fait dans les annees 1794 a 1798. Paris, 1802.

D*'*^l**n. Mrs. Faulkner Donellan. The genuine memoirs of Mrs. Faulkner, otherwise ... or. Countess of H*****x [i.e. Halifax] in expectancy - . L. 1770.

D*****"s, Jane. Jane Douglas. Gen- uine memoirs of the late celebrated . . . L. 1761.

D n, B . bb. George Bubb

Dodington. — See "E. . e G . . s."

D , Countess of. Eliza Stanley,

Countess of Derby. Thalia to Eliza : a poetical epistle ; to the L.


D , B , Right Hon. St.

Hon. Benjamin Disraeli. " Maccallum ^' [Lothair] ; or, the peer, the prelate, and the princess. By . Edinb.


D , G. George Daniel. Cumber- land's minor theatre . . L. 1828- 40.

D — e, Johannes van. Johan Damme. En roddar-madam, Berattelse af . Sthlm. 1852.

D — g. George Daniel. All's well that ends well. A comedy , By W.

Shakespeare . . . with remarks . . . by . . . L, 1850.

D— G— S, W— m, M.D. William Douqlass. Thomson as redivivus ; or, a repl'y to . . . L. 1746.

Daisj', Cousin. Mrs. 8. 0. Johnson.

Daisy, Cousin. Delia Knipe. 1879.

Dame anglaise, Une. Mme.

{Ward Hundeiiu). Letters d' . . . resi- dante en Russie. Rotterdam, 1770.

Danforth, Parlte. Miss Hannah L. Talbot. Not in the prospectus. B.


Daniel, Uncle. Anson Wrifford. Traits of character, pursuits, manners, etc., manifested by the inhabitants of the North-eastern States. By . . . Portland Me., 1837.

Darinenberg, Georg. Bertha Hegn Friedrich.

'* Known .ileo as Goto liaimund, who was born at Magdeburg in 1823. Klie was the author of many novels, which belons to the better class of light literature. Died in 1886." — Lippincott's " Biographical Dictionary," p. 772.

Dannistonus, Gualterus. Archi- bald Pitcairne, M.D. G. D. ad Geor- gium Buchananum epistola . . . Edinb. 1705.

D'Anvers, Caleb, of Gray's Inn, Esq. William Pultenei/, Earl of Batli. A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel ... By . . . L. 1731.

D'Anvers. 3Irs. Nancy {Meugens") Bell. (1) Around the world in eighty days . . . Translated from the French of Jules Verne by G. M. Towle and . . . 1876. — (2) Celebrated travels and trav- ellers. The great explorers of the nine- teenth century . . . i'ranslated from the French of Jules Verne by . . ., etc. 1874.

— (3) The curious adventures of a field cricket . . . Translated from E. Can- dfeze by . . . L. 1878. — (4) Bobbie and Bobbie's master : a peep into the life of a very little man. L. 1876. . — (5) An elementary history of art; architecture, sculpture, painting ... L. 1882. — (6) Elementary history of music. L. 1882.

— (7) The fur country . . . Translated from the French of Jules Verne by . . . , etc. 1874, — (8) Handbooks of ele- mentary art . . . By . . . L. 1883. — (9) Heroes of American discovery . . By . . . L. 1884. — (10) Heroes of North African discovery. L. 1877. — (11) Heroes of South African discovery, h. 1878.— (12) The house ori wheels . . . From the French of Mad. de Stolz Ipseml.-] . . . by . . . 1874. — (13) Little Minnie's troubles ... L. 1876. — (14) Nanny's adventures : the tale of a goat ... L. 1879. — (15) Parted : a tale of clouds and sunshine, etc. L. 1879. — (16) Pixie's adventures : the tale of a terrier ... L. 1878. — (17) Prehistoric America . . [Translated from Du Pouget (J. F. A.), Marquis de Nadaillac.J L. 1885. — (18) Raphael. L. 1879. —

(19) Robert's holidays. By . . . Founded on the French of Fleuriot. L. 1875.—

(20) Science ladders. L. 1881. — (21) Some account of the great buildings of London ... L. 1879. — (22) The Suez canal. Letters and dot-unients [of Les- seps] descriptive of its risic and crogress . . . Translated by . , . L. 187Ct— (23) Trust me. L. 1882. — (24) To the Vic- toria Falls of the Zambesi. Translated from the German of E. Mohr . . . by . . L. 1876.— (25) Wonders of sculpture^ etc. Translated from the French of L. Viardot by . . . 1872.

Darcy. ]\Iessrs. Henri Marie Martin and Honorg Fisquet. Guide du voyageur en Angleterre. P. 1864.

Darf, Esel. Alfred Luce. My