Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/57

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E. Eev. Henry Meen. Eemarks on the Cassandra of Lycophron, originally published in the " European Magazine " [beginning in April, 1796, and contin- ued to May, 1797, and November, 1799], and reprinted in a distinct form. L. 1800.

The Bignature afterwards changes to " R.," from January, ISO! to 1813.

E., A. Andrew Edivard. Dance (The) of Baldawoch. n.p., n.d.

E., A. C. Mrs. Anne Charlotte {Leffier') Edgren. A Swedish author.

E., A. G. A. G. Engberg. Brutus, sorgespel i fem akter. Sthlm. 1868.

E., A. J. Alexander John Ellis. (1) Penny packets. L. 1849. — (2) Pho- netics ; a familiar exposition of the principles of that science, etc. L. 1846.

E., B. Mrs. Betty (Ehrenborg) Posse. Andeliga singer fCr Barn af . . . Sthlm. 1863.

E. B. William Bromwell. Locomotive sketches. By . . . P. 1854.

B., C. Mrs. Charlotte Elizabeth (Phe- lan) Tonna. Maternal martyrdom . . .

E., D. David Edwards. Our mutual relation to the animal kingdom . . . By ... L. 1862.

E., D. J. W. Ulrika Sophia v. Strus- senfelt. Ein pfarrhaus auf dem lande; ein familien gemalde von . . . Stuttg. 1846.

E., E. Hon. Emily Eden. The semi-attached couple. By ... L. 1860.

E., E. A. E. A. Eminson. Deaconess House, Carlsruhe. Hints on village nursing. L. 1885.

E., E. P. Elizabeth Fries (Lummis^ Ellet. Signature to poetry in the " Amer. Monthly Mag.," 1836-37.

E., P. J. F. J. 0. Evans. (1) Afri- can pilot, etc. L. 1880. — (2) Australian directory. L. 1879. — (3) Bedford's sail- ing directions for the Bristol Channel, etc. L. 1879. — (4) Penn's sailing direc- tions for the west coasts of Prance, Spain and Portugal, etc. L. 1881. — (5) The west coast of Hindostan pilot, etc., by A. D. Taylor. L. 1880.

E., P. M. F. M. Edge. Richard Cobden at home . . . By ... L. 1868.

E., G. George Ellis. Fabliaux, or tales. With a preface and notes. L. 1796.

E., G. B. George Barrell Emerson. (1) Signature in the "Christ. Exam." (B.), 1850, 1851.— (2) Observations on a pamphlet, entitled " Remarks on the

7th annual report of . . . Horace Mann ... B. 1844.

E. H. C. M. Rev. Nathan Davis. The chaplet. A collection of poems by . . . edited by Rev. Henry D. Moore.

The letters " B. H. C. M.," stand for " Editor of Hebrew Christian Magazine."

E. H. R. Mrs. E. Harcourt Mitchell. First fruits.

E., H. S. H. Sutherland Edwards.

E., I. James Evans. Translation of the " Republic of Letters," from the Spanish. L. 17 — .

E., J., P.R.S John Evelyn. Ace- taria ; a discourse of Sallets. L. 1699 or 1706.

E., J., Falmouth. James Earle. Ex- tracts from history. By . . . " Selector or Cornish Mag.," 1826.

E., Rev. Mr. J. Bev. Mr. Joseph Eliot. A copy of an excellent letter wrote by the ... of Guilford, deceased, to his brother Mr. B[enjamin] E[liot] of Rox- bury. B. 1738.

E., M. E. Mary Ellen Edwards. Mark Dennison's charge [by G. M. Craik]. With illustrations by . . . L. 1881.

B., P. M. Phillis Marion Ellis. Iphi- genia in Tauris . . . Translated ... by ... L. 1883.

E., P. de M. G. E. Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton. Descriptive cata- logue of the pictures and other works of art at Oulton Park, Cheshire. L. 1864.

B., K. Rufus Ellis, in the " Christ. Exam." (B.), 1851.

E., R. Ralph Eddowes. (1) On the early treatment of children. A discourse. P. 1809. — (2) Inconsistency of several passages in Doctor Watts's hymns, with Scripture and with each other ... L. 1808.

E., S. Sutherland Edwards. (1) Eu- gene Scribe, in "Temple Bar," April, 1861.— (2) A financial difficulty, in "Temple Bar," 1860-61. — (3) Formosa, in " Temple Bar," April, 1862.

E., S. A. Samuel Atkins Eliot, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.), 1856.

E., S. W. Miss S. W. Evitt. Outlines of cookery for the young wife ... By ... L. 1839.

E., T. Thomas Ellwood. (1) An ac- count of tythes in general, n.p., n.d. — (2) An answer to some objections of a moderate enquirer [R. Snow]. L. 1714.

E., T. Thomas Emes. A dialogue be- tween Alkali and Acid ... By . . . L. 1698.

E., W. William Emerson. (1) Navi-