Page:Inland Transit - Cundy - 1834.djvu/155

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28. How many rates are there in the year?


29. What proportion of the rates do the Railway pay?

20l. 7s, out of every rate.

30. That is about one fourth?


31. Has the Railway produced additional claimants on the poor rate?

I think not.

32. Do you conceive that the establishment of the Railway between Birmingham and London would produce great advantage to the land proprietors in the line?

I consider it would.

60. What is the cost of timber by the Railroad?

I only pay 5s. for timber; we used to pay 8s. 4d.

61. You have been asked whether you limited the improvement on Colonel Lee's property to building villas and so on?

No; manufactories as well. I have built a foundery since, and another is in progress.

62. Do you not conceive that the agricultural part of the community in that district will also be benefited to a great extent by the Railroad?

I do.

Mr. Hardman Earle, Director of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway.—p. 18.

1. Are you a merchant at Liverpool?

I am.

2. Are you a Director of the Liverpool and Manchester Railroad?


3. How long have you been so?

For the last three years.

10. Do you know a house in the neighbourhood of Liverpool called Spekeland?

Yes; it belongs to my mother.