Page:Insectivorous Plants, Darwin, 1899.djvu/84

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Non-nitrogenous fluids―Solutions of gum arabic―Sugar―Starch―Diluted alcohol―Olive oil―Infusion and decotion of tea―Nitrogenous fluids―Milk―Urine―Liquid albumen―Infusion of raw meat―Impure mucus―Saliva―Solution of isinglass―Difference in the action of these two sets of fluids―Decoction of green peas―Decoction and infusion of cabbage―Decoction of grass leaves.

When, in 1860, I first observed Drosera, and was led to believe that the leaves absorbed nutritious matter from insects which they captured, it seemed to me a good plan to make some preliminary trials with a few common fluids, containing and not containing nitrogenous matter: and the results are worth giving.

In all the following cases a drop was allowed to fall from the same pointed instrument on the centre of the leaf; and by repeated trials one of these drops was ascertained to be on an average very nearly half a minim, or of a fluid ounce, or .0295 cc. But these measurements obviously do not pretend to any strict accuracy; moreover, the drops of the viscid fluids were plainly larger than those of water. Only one leaf on the same plant was tried, and the plants were collected from two distant localities. The experiments were made during August and September. In judging of the effects, one caution is necessary: if a drop of any adhesive fluid is placed on an old or feeble leaf, the glands of which have ceased to secrete copiously, the drop sometimes dries up, especially if the plant is kept in a room, and some of the central and submarginal tentacles are thus drawn together, giving to them the false appearance of having become inflected. This sometimes occurs with water, as it is rendered adhesive by mingling with the viscid secretion. Hence the only safe criterion, and to this alone I have trusted, is the bending inwards of the exterior tentacles, which have not been touched by the fluid, or at most only at their bases.