Page:Insects - Their Ways and Means of Living.djvu/366

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flower corolla, or when it ? would merely take a drink of water or other liquid. The proboscis consists of the greatly lengthened maxillae firmly attached to each other by dovetailed grooves and ? ", ridges. The inner face of ?tlf / each maxilla is hollowed in the form of a groove run- ? kQ? -Z/?/?IP ning its entire length' and the two apposed grooves

FIG. 162. Facial view of the head of between the united maxillae the tent caterpillar moth, with cover- are converted into a central ing scales removed, and antennae cut channel of the proboscis. off near their bases tl,,t, base of antenna; E, compound The two blades of the pro- eye; Lb, labium; LbPIp, labial palpus; boscis spring from the sides Lm, labrum;Mth, mouth;Mx, maxilla of the mouth. The first part of the alimentary canal just back of the mouth is transformed into a bulblike sucking apparatus. The

Fro. 163. Head and mouth parts of the peach borer moth A, side view. B, three-quarter facial view. /lnt, basal part of antenna; E, compound eye; LbPlp, labial palpus; O, ocellus; Prb, proboscis

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