Page:Insects - Their Ways and Means of Living.djvu/420

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Termites, wingless males and females, 14o workers, 131 young, I36 Testes, Tettigoniidae, 32 Thorax, 12 Thysanura, 24. 7 Tracheae, I 14 Tree crickets, 63 antennal marks, 66, 67 attraction of males for females, 68, 69 black-horned, 67 broad-winged, 65 four-spotted, 67 musical organs, 56, 57 narrow-winged, 67 Neoxabia, 69 Oecantt?us, 65-68 snowy, 65 song, 65, 66, 67 two-spotted, 69 Triungulins, OE3 Tropisms, True katydid, 43 Trypanosoma, 349 Tsetse fly, 348, 349, 35 ° mouth parts, 350, 351 Two-spotted tree cricket, 69 song, 69

W Walking stick, 7 OE Walking stick insects, 7 I Wasps and bees, larvae, OE3o, OE38, Ways and means of living, 99 White ants, IOE8 White grubs, OE3 o Wings, 83, 84 evolution, 3 ? 5 of bees, 319 beetles, 3 ? 8 butterflies and moths, 3 ? 8 dragonflies, 3 ? 6 flies, 319 grasshoppers, 318 roaches, 83, 84, 3 ? 8 termites, 146 , 3?6 wasps, 319 origin, 91, 9 OE Wigglers, OE3 o, 3OE9 Woolly aphis, 172 X Xiphidium, 54 Y Yellow lever, 339 Yellow fever mosquito, 331, 339, 340

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