Page:Instrument of Accession and Standstill Agreement of Udaipur to Dominion of India.pdf/3

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SCHEDULE THE MATTERS WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THE DOMINION LEGISLATURA MAY MAKE LAWS FOR THIS STATE A. Defence 1. The tuval, military and air force of the Dominion and any other armed force raised or maintained by the Dominion : Any armod forces, including foroes raised or maintained by an Accecling State, which nro attached to, or operating with any of the semed forces of the Dominion 2. Naval, military and sir force works, administration of Cantonment arena. 3. Arms; fire-arms: ammunition. 4. Explosives. B. Nxternal Affairs 1. External airs: the implementing of trenties and agrements with other countries, extradition, including the surrender of criminant and used persons to parts of His Majesty's dominions ontside India. 2. Admission into and emigration and expulsion from Indin, including in relation thereto the rogulation of the movements in India of persons who are not British nichjoota domiciled Indin or subjects of any acceding Statu; pilgrims to lives beyond Irudia. 8. Naturalisation C. Communicalions 1. Posts and telegraphs, including telephone, wireless, broadcasting, and other like forms of communication 2. Federal railways; the regulation of all milways other than minor milways in respect of safety, maximam ani minimum rates and fures, station and service terminal charges, intorchange of traffic and the responsibility of railway administritions as carriers of goods and passengers, the regulation of minor railways in respect of safety and the responsibility of the administrations of such railways na carriers of goods and passengers 3. Maritime shipping and avigation, including shipping and navigation on tidal waters; Admiralty jurisdiction. Porb quarantine. 5. Major ports, that is to say, the declaration and delimitation of such ports, and the constitution and powers of Port Authorities therein. 6. Aircraft and nit navigation; the provision of aerodromos; regulation and orgarusation of air traffic and of aerodromes 7. Lighthouses, inoinding lightships, beacons and other provisions for the safety of shipping and wircraft 8. Carriage of passengers and goods by sea or by air. 9. Extension of the powers and jurisdiction of members of the police force belotus- ing to any unit to milway Bren outside that unit. D. Ancillary 1. Dlections to the Dominion Legislature, subject to tho provisions of the Act and of any Order made theroinder. 2. Offences agninst laws with respeot to any of the aforeonid matters. 3. Inguiries and statistics for the purposes of any of the aforoanid matters. 4. Jurisdiction and powers of all courts with respect to my of the aforesaid matters but, except with the consent of the Rator of the Acceding Stato, not song to confor any jurisdiction or powers upon any courts other than court ordinrily onreising juris dlotion in or in relation to that Suunto CIPD-M-1598 Depe-1-4-47-300 True copy obtained by Venkatesh Nayak/ © National Archives of India