Page:Internet Research Agency Indictment Feb 2018 with text.pdf/20

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Case 1:18-cr-00032-DLF     Document 1     Filed 02/16/18     Page 20 of 37

50. The political advertisements included the following:

Excerpt of Advertisement
April 6, 2016 "You know, a great number of black people support us saying that #HillaryClintonIsNotMyPresident"
April 7, 2016 "I say no to Hillary Clinton / I say no to manipulation"
April 19, 2016 "JOIN our #HillaryClintonForPrison2016"
May 10, 2016 "Donald wants to defeat terrorism ... Hillary wants to sponsor it"
May 19, 2016 "Vote Republican, vote Trump, and support the Second Amendment!"
May 24, 2016 "Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote"
June 7, 2016 "Trump is our only hope for a better future!"
June 30, 2016 "#NeverHillary #HillaryForPrison #Hillary4Prison #HillaryForPrison2016 #Trump2016 #Trump #Trump4President"
July 20, 2016 "Ohio Wants Hillary 4 Prison"
August 4, 2016 "Hillary Clinton has already committed voter fraud during the Democrat Iowa Caucus."
August 10, 2016 "We cannot trust Hillary to take care of our veterans!"
October 14, 2016 "Among all the candidates Donald Trump is the one and only who can defend the police from terrorists."
October 19, 2016 "Hillary is a Satan, and her crimes and lies had proved just how evil she is."

Staging U.S. Political Rallies in the United States

51. Starting in approximately June 2016, Defendants and their co-conspirators organized and coordinated political rallies in the United States. To conceal the fact that they were based in Russia, Defendants and their co-conspirators promoted these rallies while pretending to be U.S. grassroots activists who were located in the United States but unable to meet or participate in person.