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19 plores her to withdraw her second request, namely that Rama should go to the forest. But Kaikēyi is firm and reminds him of his honour of keeping up his word. She reminds him of the line of kings (to which he belongs) who were all anxious to keep up their honour in their own days. Dasarathan had desired that Rama should become king. He had made that announcement in the open court. What is to come of that word ? He feels frustrated and thwarted There ensues a conflict in his mind regarding the line of action he is to choose. He becomes angry and hates Kaikēyi who thwarts him. He tries to place the blame for the thwarting on persons who are not responsible for this situation at all. He has ow to choose between moral and less moral modes of conduct. Ultimately, he prefers the remote goal to the nearer goal. After a period of conflict, indecision, vascillation and struggle within him- self he decides to keep his word. The choice is due to his character and will power. He therefore wills to do that which he does not want to do. Thus it is that he ultimate- ly agrees to sending away Rama to the forest. Already he has granted the other boon, namely, that Bharatha should rule the kingdom. It is marvellous to find that Kamban has applied these processes in the delineation of the charac- ter of Dasarathan. SUBRAMANIA BHARATHI pleaded for the emanci- pation of women, who out of false notions which developed in mediaeval society were put down as chattels or slaves. In one of his poems on womanhood he says, “Let us dance saying let womanhood flourish; let us dance saying let womanhood conquer". The terms Mother and Wife invoke in us a tenderness, happiness and joy, "Let us dance peacefully saying let love live long ; let us clap our hands and bless real love; we can be free from distress only because of womanhood; Is not woman mother of mighty heroes? The suckling child imbibes strength from Mother; the wife's words bring honour to 10