Page:Introductory Hebrew Grammar- Hebrew Syntax (1902).djvu/119

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righteousness, Jud. 5:21 עֹז in power; Lev. 19:16, Nu. 32:14, Is. 57:2. (2) The noun may be plur., Lam. 1:9 פְּלָאִים she came down wonderfully, Hos. 12:15 תַּמִרוּרִים bitterly, Ps. 58:2; 75:3, cf. 1 S. 15:32 above. (3) The acc. may extend to a phrase, Josh. 9:2, 1 K. 22:13 פֶּה אֶחָד unanimously, cf. Zeph. 3:9; Lev. 26:21, 23, 24, Pro. 7:10, 2 S. 23:3 ruling יִרְאַת א׳ in the fear of God. Ps. 83:6 is a mixed consn. for לֵב אֶחָד (1 Chr. 12:38). See § 140, R. 1. This usage of the noun is mostly poetical, prose rather employs a prep., לָבֶטַח confidently, but בטח Jud. 8:11, &c., Lam. 1:5 שְׁבִי into captivity, elsewhere בַּשׁבי; Ps. 119:78, 86 שֶׁקֶר falsely, in vain, usually לַשׁקר 1 S. 25:21. Jer. 23:28, Ps. 73:13, 119:75, Job 21:34. Comp. Is 30:7 with 49:4; 65:23. Ps. 119:75 אֱמוּנָה with 2 K. 12:16.

Rem. 3. The acc. of restriction (§ 71) is usually an indef. noun, Gen. 3:15; 37:21, Ps. 3:8 The phrase smite in the bowels is usually אֶל־הַחֹמֶשׁ, 2 S. 2:23; 4:6; 20:10. In 3:27 אל may have fallen out. The acc. 1 K. 15:23 in his feet is בְּרַגְלָיו, 2 Chr. 16:12, as is usual, cf. 2 S. 2:18, Am. 2:15 (so Arab. fi rijlaihi). The acc. of respect is little used after adjs. in Heb., the gen. consn. being employed; cf. § 24, R. 5. The place of acc. of resp. is often taken by a prep., 1 K. 22:24 על־הַלֶּחִי, Mic. 4:14.

Rem. 4. Rem 4. The acc. of motive, so common in Arab., perhaps appears Is. 7:25 יִרְאַת שָׁמִיר for (out of) fear of thorns. — Possibly also הָיָה when = become, takes acc. after it, Hos. 8:6 the calf of Sam. שְׁבָבִים יִֽהְיֶה shall become splinters. The frequent use of prep. l makes this consn. probable; cf. Jer 26:18. So Eth.; the Ar. use is wider. And so perhaps verbs of similar meaning, as הפך to turn (also niph.), Jer. 2:21, Lev. 13:3, 4, 10.

3. The Acc. of the Direct Object

§ 72. Many verbs govern the direct acc. in Kal; and many of those intrans. in Kal govern acc. in the Caus. (hiph.&c.). Of the latter kind are בּוֹא come; hiph. bring, &c.

Before the direct acc., when also def., the particle את is