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elements in southern Iran (in particular the Qashqai tribe) who might, in the event or a Tudeh coup be prepared to conduct resistance activity against such a Communist government. However, for political and security reasons, no attempt has been made to conduct advanced planning of this sort with Iranian officials.

(3) CIA has an agreement with the Qashqai tribal leaders in southern Iran to establish a clandestine safe haven base from which guerrilla and intelligence operations could he conducted utilizing the manpower of these elements (estimated 20,000). Four members of one group have been given radio communications training by CIA. Conditions in South Iran, attitude of the Iranian Army and neighboring tribes, status of an Iranian rump government or government in exile the political attitudes of the tribe in question, and degree of our support in time of Tudeh control have a bearing however, on the tribal will and ability to conduct resistance activity. To date CIA has trained and equipped a total of approximately 10 indigenous clandestine radio operators to be located throughout Iran and who can be called upon to maintain communications with CIA when desired. Others are being trained.

(4) Reception points in the Tehran and Tabriz area and in south Iran where supplies and personnel can be clandestinely introduced into Iran are in the process of being established. A certain quantity of communications equipment, cash and gold has been cached within Iran, and a considerable amount of cash is available in Tehran.

(5) CIA planning includes the creation of eight 3-men teams to assist in supply, training and operation of Iranian resistance elements.

(6) Representative: of CIA and the British Intelligence Service met during the latter part of February to consider joint activities in Iran in the event of a Tudeh coup. The report of this meeting has not yet been received, but the discussions included the following topics:

(a) Potential resistance groups.

(b) Conditions under which resistance will be offered.

(c) Extent and newts of assistance.

(d) Supply channels to resistance groups.

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By :WDP NARA Date:2/29/00