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A Dictionary Concise of Irish Biography


ABBOTT, REV. THOS. KINGSMILL, scholar; b. Dublin, 1820; ed. T.C.D., B.A., 1851; Fell. 1854; Prof, of Greek, 1875; Hebrew, 1879-1900; Librarian; wrote Elements of Logic, 1895; Essays, 1892; Celtic Ornament, 1892-1895; Catalogue of MSS. 1900; of Incunabula T.C.D.; d. Dublin, 1913.

ABERCORN, DUKE OF, Tames Hamilton, b. 1811; succeeded to marquisate and large estates in Tyrone and Donegal, 1818; Irish viceroy, 1866-68, during fenian rising, and again 1874-76; created duke by Disraeli, 1868; d. 1885.

ABERNETHY, REV. JOHN, Presbyterian; b. Coleraine, 1680; ed. Glasgow, M.A., ordained Antrim, 1703; there headed the non-subscribers or Unitarians; called to Dublin, 1730; fought strenuously against the Test Act; d. Dublin, 1740; his grandson John Abernethy F.R.S. was surgeon. a

ADAMS, ROBERT, surgeon; b. Dublin, 1791; ed. at T.C.D., B.A., 1814; M.D., 1842; one of the founders of the Richmond Hospital school; thrice president R.C.S.I., and Regius Prof. T.C.D. (“ A surgeon and anato¬ mist of the first rank. His treatise on Chronic Rheumatic Arthritis is a classic.”—Cam¬ eron) ; d. Dublin, 1875.

ADRAIN, ROBERT, mathematician; b. Carrickfergus, 1775; fought in rebellion of ’98, was wounded and escaped to America, where he became pro¬ fessor of mathematics in Colum¬ bia College, N.Y., and vice¬ provost of University of Penn¬ sylvania. Wrote and edited many valuable mathematical works; d. New Brunswick, 1843.

AEDAN, ST.; b. Brackley Lough, Co. Cavan, 560; ed. in Wales; settled in Wexford where he established several monasteries. Was first bishop of Ferns, and patron of Hy Kinsellagh; d. at Ferns, 632; festival, 31st January; generally known as St. Mogue.

AEDH, King of Ireland from 566 till 593, when he fell in battle at Dunbolg; summoned the great convention at Drumketh, Derry attended by St. Columba, kings and warriors.

/irLlNljUS, King of Munster in 5th century; baptised by St. Patrick at Cashel; endowed the church with rich gifts.

AENGUS. ST., THE CULDEE riouiished in the 8th century; ed. at Clonenagh, Ossory; served seven years as lay brother at Tallaght;

(“A celebrated and saintly priest and a great Gaelic schoDr ’’-O-Curry). Festival, iith March.

(1764-1831), famous London

ACHESON, SIR ARCHIBALD, 2nd Earl of Gosford, governorgeneral of Canada; b. Co A/magh, I776; ed. Oxford; M.P., Co. Armagh, 1:798-1807; advocated “ conciliation ” in Ireland, and put it into operation m Canada after Papineau’s re¬ bellion; his policy resented by legislature he resigned, 1837; d 1849.

ADAMNAN, ST., b. in Tirconnar 024; d. at Iona, 704—of whic he had been elected Abbot in 67c Attended Synod of Tara, 67a and wrote his famous Vit zancti Columbce; ed. by Br a tVaY63’'857- Festival> 23rd Sepl

A?AMS, REV. JAMES WILLIAMS, army chaplain; b. Cork i81Q; ed. T.C.D., B.A., 1861 in India as chaplain, 1866; too]

L. VV ,

Premier of Tasmania; lx Ballyclare, Co. Antrim, 1815; ed. at Glasgow, M.D., 1839; practised

v r ‘n pooeat march t0 Candahar V.C., 1880; d. Oakham, 1903.

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