Page:Islam, Turkey, and Armenia, and How They Happened.djvu/34

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of the Koran; but before giving any decision let us read some other portions, as

From the 2nd Chapter. "When the Lord said unto the angels, 'I will place a substitute on earth' (he referred to Adam), they said, 'Wilt thou place there one who will do evil therein and shed blood? but we celebrate thy praise and sanctify Thee.' God answered, 'Verily I know that which ye know not;' and he taught Adam the names of all things, and then proposed them to the angels and said, 'Declare unto me now the names of these things if ye say truth.' They answered, 'Praise be unto thee, we have no knowledge but what thou teachest us, for thou art knowing and wise.' God said, 'O Adam, tell them now their names;' and when he had told them their names, God said, 'Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth?' and when he said unto the angels, 'Now worship Adam,' they all worshiped him except Iblis, who refused and was puffed up with pride, and became of the number of unbelievers," etc. This is an example of illogical and objectionable stories with which "the Ancient Word" is full. God's resentful consultation with the angels, their knowledge about the future condition of mankind and at the same time their ignorance in telling the names of things; God's fraud in teaching Adam secretly, yet in showing the angels that he (Adam) knew the names himself, and thus gaining a false name for Adam, whom he decided to appoint a substitute in spite of the angels. These are some of the contradictions and blasphemous points.