Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/473

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"85, Dhurrumtollah,
"Useful Arts School.
"Feby. 1st 1864.

My Good Friend,

"Many thanks for your sending of this young man to-day. The place he was to have filled happens to be just now occupied by a teacher who seems very attentive. Should the place be vacant I shall send for this young man.

"The upper teacher next to my highest, whom your kind note says may come to-morrow or the next day, and begin on 25 Rs. we look anxiously.

"Call and see us when you can

"and always believe me

"Your friend and co-worker

(Sd.) "C. H. S. Dall."


The Metropolitan Institution.

We take the following from a pamphlet, titled 'Statement of Facts Relating To The Metropolitan Institution:—

"1. In 1859, a school, under the name of the Calcutta Training School, was founded in Sankar Ghose's Lane, in the Northern Division of the