Page:It's a long, long way to Tipperary (1912) sheet music, American edition.pdf/7

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Dorothy Forster’s Latest Successful Song

Wonderful Garden of Dreams

Words by
Harold Simpson

Music by
Dorothy Forster

music = {
    \language "english"
    { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c'' {
                        \tempo "a tempo"
                        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
                        \tempo 4 = 120
                        \clef treble \key f \major
                        \time 4/4
                        \partial 4 \stemDown c8( d |
                        e4 d8 e d4 c8 \stemUp a |
                        g2.) fs8( g |
                        \stemDown c4 \stemUp a8 g \stemDown c4 \stemUp a8 g |
                        d2.) c8 d |
                        e4 f g f8 d |
                        f4 e \stemDown c' c8 d |
                        e4 d8 c e4 c |
                        d2. c8( d) |
                    \addlyrics {
                        And the fair -- est flow’rs in that gar -- den, dear,
                        Are the thoughts that I have of you.
                        They are
                >> }
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c'' {
                        \clef treble \key f \major
                        \time 4/4
                >> }
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c' {
                        \clef treble \key f \major
                        \time 4/4
                >> }
            >> }
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c, {
                        \clef bass \key f \major
                        \time 4/4
                >> }
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c {
                        \clef bass \key f \major
                        \time 4/4
                >> }
            >> }
        >> }
    >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
    piece = REFRAIN
\score {
  \layout {
    \context {
      \consists Measure_spanner_engraver
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }

Copyright MCMXII, by Chappell & Co. Ltd. 41 East 34th. St. N.Y.