Komar. Welcome, the most pious of all the pious people! Here, drink, eat, have an easy time going through your defeat. When clerics are beaten, Hvastja is beaten as much. It is hard having such a hard wife. Beating him. What could the innocent Hvastja have done to praise the clerical minds? Very little as he doesn't even clean his nails, so they remain dirty once and for all!
Hvastja (seats down surprisingly calmed). As of tonight, you shall pray the Rosary – all three chapters . . .
Komar. What did you utter?
Hvastja. As of tonight, you shall pray the Rosary – all three chapters . . .
Komar. Cleric, you shall expiate this line of yours!
Hvastja. ???
The mayor, the doctor and the principal arrive from the balcony.
Komar. (stands up aggressively). What? How? Utter your words, voice them! What?
Mayor. In this municipality, progressives won by a single ballot!
Komar. (Surprised.) By a single vote?
Doctor. Always been that way! Six years ago they won by a difference of six votes!
Komar. What do you mean? "They" won? "We" is better. Only, where did so many insects come from? During the sunshine, one does not notice them. They came out of nowhere and nearly took over! (Turns to Hvastja.) What did you say, Hvastja?
Hvastja. Nothing, let me enjoy the moment, kindly.
Mayor, doctor and principal sit on the balcony; Komar sits on the stair; teachers and Hvastja sit under the balcony.