Lojzka. Caitiff!
Komar. What? I plea to you, sir superintendent-principal.
Principal. Mx Lojzka, you have breached the limits of fair conversing.
Komar. (Angered.) Caitiff!
Lojzka. You insulted them, who was among us!
Komar. Caitiff!
Minka. (To Lojzka.) Have the two of you yet drunk the cup of friendship?
Lojzka. He has not yet offered me to cross the shift of beliefs . . . To you, he shall soon propose so. Before dawn, you will accept his request and no more be one of us.
Principal. How come you delay this betrayal? It's clammy and hot in here . . . Would you mind checking in at the post office?
Mayor. The postperson said they would come themselves, carrying the results.
Doctor. It's getting late. Yet it is clammy as though it was mid-day.
Anka and a young student enter the balcony from within the house; they pass the garden joyfully, arriving at the shed. As they walk, Jerman enters the greenery through the grand entrance, receiving a salute from Anka.
Komar. (to Jerman.) They are leaving to recite . . . For the party.
Jerman. What party?
Komar. It's a celebration of tonight's victory.
(Jerman sits quietly.)
Postperson arrives at the garden entrance, waving both hands nervously; all parties of the gathering run towards him, yelling.
Postperson. Everyone! All of you! Everyone!
Everyone. (screaming). What?