Jerman. (Stands up.) What do you want?
Peasant. What do I want? Aren't you the Anti-Christ diverting our children from the Lord, diverting them to burgle, to raze, to loot?
Jerman. Mother.
Peasant. Thank god I am not your mother. I have come to address you – hecatomb yours to Satan if you have any, do not sacrifice my children . . . You shall never come to see my children again, shall you send troopers or come yourself. Do you think I made them burglars, razers, looters? I would rather cut their veins than have them be taught by a Demon . . . You will as well cry for god's assurance – when it is far too late! Shame! (Spits at Jerman, retreats, slams the door and departs.)
Kalander. I've told you: the whole village is drunk, especially women.
Jerman. I've been listening to many such guests . . . Such callers. I am heavily dissatisfied by how unified their wordings are; as though it would be one saying it over and over.
Kalander. (Stands up.) Be it as I said or be it not . . . Issue a command and we shall follow it. There will be three of us there.
Lojzka knocks on the door and opens.
Jerman. (Steps up to Lojzka.) Be welcome! Have you . . . Turns to Kalander. In a week beyond this Sunday.
Kalander. There will be three of us there. Greetings! (Leaves.)
Jerman. What did you bring?