Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/64

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The people, countless, have by now entrenched their brains and have thrown their conscience into the most handy trash bin by their way to their daily bread. Those who made fun of god kneel in front of his worthless serfs – first sinning, then praying – the wordings are empty, for their hearts are empty. This was ongoing from the time of sowing ‘till we cropped. Shall the climate turn on its head tonight, those who are now praying will soon have begun to sin once again. A new truth has shadowed this world; an experienced human being conveyed its exactness: "Serve, so they will be well-fed and worth-full; do not question who your lord is and what his order be!" Serfs, who have willingly sold their souls, are dounter than their lords are. When the overlord crosses themselves, the Serf prays the Rosary. When the overlord prays Our Father, the Serf prays the Nine Days' Pray. Stupidity has no better keepers than those lowest Serfs; day and night they guard her doors, so not a word from the outside may approach her, so that no word may bother her faithful heart . . .

Kalander's wife. They're insulting Religion!

Kalander. Silence, "woman"!

Women. They're insulting Religion! They're insulting Religion! (Noise.)

Jerman. (Shocked.) I did not discuss religion . . .

Worker. They were all given a sign! (Points at the entrance gate.) There they were given the go-ahead!

Jerman. Friends . . .

Voices. Silence, teacher! (Feminine voices.) Anti-Christ!

Feminine voice. (As everyone calms down for a moment, this person starts speaking very clearly.) His . . . Mother is dying! . . . At that time he comes to insult our Lord!

(From this point on, the whole scene speeds up; words are fast and sharp.)

Voices. End it, teacher!

Nace. Dear Christians, do not be such . . .