Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/76

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Kalander. A gathering. Last time, three of us came. Now we've assembled seven Anti-Christs in total.

Jerman. I will not gather anymore. I do not want to call for a horrid farewell. Listen, I am ready to go . . . Do hand me your hand! (Takes a look at the Kalander's palm.) Twice as big as mine! This hand will create the new world . . . I will not gather anymore. You, packed with youth and power, do gather! Life shall lean on the pillar – that pillar being you. I'm old and tired . . .

Kalander. If you ever desire a friend, do not forget me.

Jerman. Let them in! (By the door.) Give me your hand once more, Lojzka. Await so that our eyes may meet . . . To sign this sad goodbye . . . Go, and have a sweet journey! (Lojzka and Komar leave.)

Jerman. (Slowly moves to the worktable and takes out the light.) I'd rather have a strong wind take me out when I was still flameful . . . It is so sad to burn out all by yourself . . . Burn out into the void, a torch lacking any oil . . .

(The Pastor approaches from the left; both talk quietly.)

Jerman. God bless. Pardon me for I have insulted you badly.

Pastor. Do you know to pray to Our Father?

Jerman. I'd do so indeed.

Pastor. Do so tonight.

Jerman. You know about such things, you judge them according to the divine right, the unmistakable judge . . . Had I cut one's life short . . . Was it a sin?