Page:JHM Abbot - Tommy Cornstalk.djvu/12

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about. But the Australian soldier, though frequently the subject of much literary effort, has not yet had his say. Therefore, in these pages the author has striven to show other Australians, who had not the good fortune to serve in Africa, what some phases of campaigning were like, as viewed from the standpoint of the Australian ranks, and has occasionally ventured to say, as an Australian, how things have impressed him. With regard to the two " Battle " chapters, it is perhaps necessary to explain that, though the incidents and setting are actual facts, the whole is not intended to represent any particular engagement, but is rather a kind of composite portrait of half a dozen or more. In conclusion, the author wishes to acknow- ledge the kindly assistance and advice for which he is indebted to Mr. John Arthur Barry in the making of this book.

Sydney, 1902.