Page:Jackson Gregory--joyous trouble maker.djvu/137

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"And Rice?" demanded Steele sharply. "Have they got him, too?"

"No," said Turk. "They ain't. But if you don't hurry up—"

Thorp had turned and was making off downstream.

Steele, now that Turk's information put a new look upon matters, called to him sharply:

"None of that, Thorp. Come back here or I'll just naturally have to blow off that left hind leg of yours. I mean it, old man."

Thorp, turning to see the look in Steele's eyes, cursed but came back. It was Turk's own hands which, a moment later, ran a rope tight about Thorp's big wrists and thick ankles.

"Which is one of the happies' jobs I ever done," admitted Turk cheerfully. "Now, Steele, let's go get them other fresh guys."

Steele noted that Turk walked with a bad limp, further that his face was bruised and cut.

"The three of them jump you, Turk?" he asked quietly.

"Yep," answered Turk. "Let's go get 'em, Bill."

"And Rice?"

"Gone for grub an' stuff. Before they showed a-tall."

With a glance backward at the prone and cursing Johnnie Thorp they left him, Turk carrying Thorp's old rifle. Seeing the look in Turk's eyes Steele said firmly:

"I rather think this is my scrap by rights, Turk. Anyway I won't have any shooting that isn't necessary.