Page:Jackson Gregory--joyous trouble maker.djvu/266

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any rumours which will get started real soon that I have sold to you at thirty thousand … well, then, I'll close the deal with you out of hand and you take Summit City … for ten thousand dollars!"

Eccentric … or simply stark, staring, raving mad?

"You mean that you offer to sell at a loss of ten thousand dollars?"

"With two provisos, yes. First that you use the property for a sanatorium. Second, that you let people think I got thirty thousand out of you."

"But I don't understand, Mr. Steele …"

Again Steele laughed at him joyously.

"I found a gold mine yesterday," he said lightly. "Also, I am in the way of making a lot of money with Carruthers. Besides, I'd be mighty glad to do my little bit to help in the good work you are doing, work such as has brought back Rose and little Eddie to Hurley. And besides … though you won't understand this, either! … it'll be worth something for the sake of another joke on Her Majesty the Queen! And finally, to get down to business I have made you an offer. Will you accept it?"

Of course Gilchrist accepted, warmly thanking Steele for his generosity. The details both were willing to wave aside for the present. But, asking Gilchrist to excuse him a moment, Steele went back to the post office, where he scrawled and mailed this letter to Beatrice:

"Poor dear little Queen Trix: It was Bill Steele himself who sent Carruthers to you. Bought Summit City for