Page:James Connolly - Socialism Made Easy (1909).djvu/10

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Socialism Made Easy
streets. Long before noon there was a large gathering of children, some of them accompanied by their mothers, awaiting the opening of the doors.”

*** Well, I am not interested in internationalism. This country is good enough for me.

Is that so? Say: Are you taking a share in the Moscow-Windau-Rydinsk Railway? *** “No, where is that?” *** My dear friend, where that railway runs has nothing to do with you. What you have to do is simply to take a share, and then go and have a good time whilst the Russian railway workers, whom you do not know, working in a country you never saw, speaking a language you don't understand, earn your dividends by the sweat of their brows. *** Curious, ain't it? *** We Socialists are always talking about the international solidarity of labor, about the oneness of our interests all over the world, and ever and anon working off our heaving chests a peroration on the bonds of fraternal sympathy which should unite the wage slaves of the capitalist system. *** But there is another kinds of bond—Russian railway bonds—which join, not the workers, but the idlers of the world in fraternal sympathy, and which creates among the members of the capitalist class a feeling of identity and interest, of international solidarity, which they don't