Page:Japanese flower arrangement.djvu/222

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Originated by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, 1436–1492, who was called Higashiyama Dono or Jishoin. Branches of this school are

Senzan-Ryu Higashiyama-Ko-Sei-Ryu
Higashiyama-Ryu   Soami-Ryu

V. Senke-Ko-Ryu.

Originated by the famous Sen-no-Rikyu. 1520.

VI. Bisho-Ryu.

Originated by Goto Daigakunokami or Bishokui Dokaku. 1545.

VII. Enshiu-Ryu.

Originated by Kobori-Enshu. 1578–1647.

The branches of this school are numerous:

Nihonbashi Enshiu   Shin Enshiu
Ango Enshiu Miyako Enshiu
Seifu Enshiu Asakusa Enshiu

and many others.

VIII. Ko-Shin-Ryu.

Originated by Shin-tetsu-sai, who was the teacher of Hidetada, second Shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty. 1600–1624.
